’cause I know how to do laundry???

It’s what, past midnight, and my mother is yelling at me because I didn’t check the tags before putting stuff in the dryer. Um, ok, I just had a shirt I needed washed, she put it in the wash, and told me what settings to dry everything on. Was there any “oh and check labels first” in those instructions? I think not. So I guess her nice golf shirt and my dad’s nice golf shirt were in there… and weren’t supposed to me. And it’s my fault?? how?? It’s so not my fault I’m not domestic. Not my fault at ALL. My grandma was a home ec teacher… darned good cook and seamstress, as well as an excellent gardener, and all that. My mom’s pretty good at all of that, but not as good as my grandma was. Then there’s me. I, uhh, don’t really care. I can sew… I just don’t. I suppose I could cook if someone gave me a recipe… I just don’t. I make a darned good pie crust… when I feel like it. (never)

So the saxy saxes + Meg went out tonight. Muchos fun… went to see Moulin Rouge for free (yeah Kim), and then went out to Olive Garden. *ate way too much sugar* And I’m STILL practically falling asleep at the keyboard… hi. *sigh* Oh well. So not awake.

I wanted to surprise everyone tonight and get Andy and Alex to drive over here and hang out with us… unfortunately Andy has to be somewhere early in the morning, and any other time would’ve worked. Ahh well… just girl bonding was good.

*rubs eyes through lids* And I really wanted them to be there… because they would have told the assholes behind us to shut the heck up… and then I would’ve been able to cry… and then… well with Andy there… that would’ve been nice. *slaps hand* Bad dreamergrrl. BAD BAD BAD.

I hate being so tired. It’s beyond slap-happy tired. It’s gotten to the point of absolute refusal by all facial muscles (and some others) to move at all without great force of will. My eyes were heavy driving home, which I didn’t like at all… it wasn’t to a falling asleep point, but rather a wow I’m so foggy-tired. A little worse than what I felt driving home from Cedar Point a few weeks ago… but I had Andy and then just Emma in the car with me then. And while I did drive Emma home tonight, from her house to my house I was alone… and I made sure to have the radio on. That way I can sing and it gives me something to do in order to keep awake. *yuck*

Took the SAT’s again this morning. No, I’m not crazy… I signed up for them before I got my scores the first time. So don’t go all Kate “GOD, Erin, I can’t believe you’re taking them AGAIN! You know you’re smart. *huff*” on me, please. That’s all we need… more Kate’s in this world. One is QUITE enough, thank you.

Did I tell you about my newly acquired 17 year old German speaking boy? Right, well, I didn’t really acquire him, but his sister goes to college with my sister… and they’re native Germans. So his sister and I started speaking online (via email and AIM) in German. I guess she gave him my screen name, and he’s my age, so for the past two days we’ve been talking. In German, lol. Though today after about an hour and a half of that, we switched completely to English, lol. Not that I need to practice THAT at all, but at this point there’s only so much German I can handle. And we wanted to have a conversation, which the language barrier was not allowing us to do. So that was nice… we started talking like I would talk to any other person I met online, though really he’s not in that category, since our sisters are really good friends. And hey he’s in the same state… even the same major city radius… lol. But I’ve got no clue what he looks like (other than basing it on what his sister looks like), haven’t really talked to him all that much, and his mother is psycho. 😀 But that’s ok, lol.

Ahh well, I’m off to be

~swept away auf Deutsch~



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you sound cool. I’m adding you to my favorites!

I used to “play” alto sax too. lol. Our band sucked, it was in grade 8, no one cared and the band teacher blew at teaching so mostly I used my sax as a hat. and blowing SAX-A-MA-PHONE into it just like Homer does on the Simpsons. lol. But don’t think im not musically talented! I play piano, and guitar. I take voice lessons and im in my city’s choir. but anyhoo’s.. TTYL 🙂 Carly

yes, im online. If you want to add me to your msn my e-mail is angeldust240@hotmail.com (YES we all know angeldust is a drug) NO i am not a druggy.. never tried it never will. I just like the sound of angel dust.. like pixie dust. 🙂 (This usually comes as a relieve to most people) luv, carly

June 3, 2001

That’s awesome. Practice safe sax- always wear a neck guard!!!! LOL!! I am so awake and happy right now. And hey, it’s all good…boys are nice. (sometimes…)

safe sax? oh dear…anywho, glad that you’re happy and bouncing off the walls, that’s always fun 🙂