Impulsive behavior
Alright so I’m 16 years old and I recently started birth control for protection and I’m in my placebo pill week which means you take 7 sugar pills so you can have your period. This period is different though I have really bad cramps which I never got before taking birth control so I decided to take a warm bath to help. I ended up bleeding a lot more on the first day of my period than usual and well what I’m about to say is gross so be prepared…I picked up a blood clot and was just thinking. Then I put it on my face and made a period mask….really weird thing to do I know, but I’ve seen woman do it online and it’s supposed to be beneficial so that’s why I did it and when I was taking it off my skin actually felt so much smoother. So I’m gonna just see how my skin holds up
*yaks all over the floor* I have heavy painful periods too… but I don’t put it on my face.
@kartoffeltorte I know, I know I don’t know why I did it, but I just did
@impulsivedecisions LOL!!!
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I took birth control when I was your age the first month was fine but the second month made me bleed really heave for a month straight, with big blood clots my doc tried different types and none did any different so she took me off of them. Keep an eye on the blood clots if they are small and easy once your body adjust to the pill then its nothing to worry about. But if the blood clots are bigger than a sliver dollar you should talk to the doctor it could be uterine fibroids or ovarian cysts. As for putting on your face ick I wouldn’t do it but you do you I just wouldn’t advertise that you do.
@psychoshrimp666 oh thanks for telling me that! Yeah I’ll keep an eye on it for sure
@impulsivedecisions you’re welcome most people don’t talk about periods and what is normal and what isn’t.
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