
Tomorrow afternoon is my LASIK surgery. I’m a little nervous but I’m sure it will be fine. Busy weekend. Surgery tomorrow then on Sunday my friend KLynn will be here. Hope I can see well enough to drive to see her. Took Monday off for some extra time with her.

My eating has been horrible but I have walked the past 2 days since the weather has been so nice so I feel good about that. My shoulder is feeling better I’m not having to ice it as much and am exercising it every other day.

Took my car in yesterday and they said it was the starter. The starter was still under warranty since I just replaced it last year so all I had to pay for was $100 for labor. Yeah!!

My niece’s boyfriend posted on their FB that they went to the doctor and they said she could deliver any time. Maybe there will be a baby soon!!

I’ve got to get moving. I walked tonight and I need to pack since I’m planning on spending tomorrow night at my sister’s. I want to get to bed early tonight to be well rested tomorrow.

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June 6, 2013

Even though you are having company you nerd to take it easy and rest some. I’ve got pain in my left shoulder and it is going into my neck. It hurts!

June 6, 2013

have a great weekend. take care,

June 6, 2013

Good luck tomorrow. I’m sure everything will be fine. Good thoughts and prayers sent your way.

June 7, 2013

Good luck with the surgery and recovery! Hope the recovery phase is speedy…

June 7, 2013

I hope surgery goes well .

June 7, 2013