Out like a lamb

So, it’s April, and I have not written an entry since the very end of February. It’s crazy how quickly time flies.

March was a pretty good month.

I quit McDonald’s and gave them some BS excuse about my parents splitting up and such. I figured I owed the person who hired me an excuse so she didn’t feel bad about choosing me haha. I got a full time job, with better pay, at a market- Pete’s Frootique. It’s pretty cool. It’s an English Market themed store-so just food. No clothes, no toilet paper, cleaning supplies, or animal food. I really like it. I am in the produce department- but have been mainly training in the fruit side of it all- so I know my oranges, apples, pears, and kiwis! It’s actually really good because I get to gain some really sueful knowledge about choosing produce. I just hope I can remember everything I need to know about everything to actually be useful to shoppers. It will all come in good time.

I also just found out that I got accepted into all of the schools I applied for for Teacher’s College, which is really exciting. I applied to Ottawa, Nipissing, and Lakehead. I am 92% sure I will be accepting Ottawa. it’s pretty much perfect for me, but I do still love Northern Ontario- but it would be winter, so maybe I’ll try staying a little closer south this time around haha.

My one housemate is moving out at the end of April. He is going to live with some other school friends up the road. Him and Shauna are sharing a room until then, so the replacement is now here. His name is Josh, from South Korea. He seems really nice. He’s taking ESL here in Halifax. Shauna is moving out come June and someone else is going to take her spot and then Krys and I are gonna be leaving sometime in August to travel around Nove Scotia and get back to Ontario to find a place to live in Ottawa and all the jazz- and I guess also see family members haha.

Besides that, I don’t think there is too much new to report. Life is going well and I am just waiting for the nice weather to come to start going out and camping to see new parts of the province. I am hoping to do PEI in May within 3 days: 1 day to travel (round trip) and 2 days to see the island. Should not be too difficult. But we shall see.

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April 2, 2010

Yay! You sure seem like your life is pretty interesting these days! congrats on getting into all the schools!!!

May 19, 2010