This that, and the other.
Well, it is looking like I will not be finished with the first version of my screenplay this week. It is a good thing though, I would rather take my time and get enough of the work done correctly the first time, so I do not have as much to revise. I am not saying that there will not be a lot that needs to be revised, it is that, I can be done with it quicker if I stay steady and pay attention to things like; the tone/voice, punctuation, and the other rules of proper grammar. There is a big difference in my writing style when it comes to where I write. Like here, I write in the same tone as I speak, so there are times that my grammar may be loose, though I find myself at least proofreading it a couple times before I publish my entry (Since this HTML editor interferes with the functionality of my grammar checking program, I still miss some errors). When it comes to writing stories/screenplays, etc, I take more time to construct my sentences to follow the flow that I want those who read it to experience.
Not much has happened yet this morning. Once I am done with this entry, I need to go to my mother’s house and take her dog out and see if she needs anything else done while I am there. Then I will probably do some cleaning around the yard since the weather will be nice today.
Well, I guess I am out of things to write about this morning, as I sat here for a couple of minutes trying to think of anything else I want to put in this entry, and came up with nothing. So, Off to start the day.
Hi! Random reader here… what is your play about?
@zombieinfusedtea It will be a video about a person that has made a lot of poor life choices, based on how the fear and shame kept a dream, just that up this point in life, a dream. A stray thought changes all that, and what had been taught, was finally fully understood. It is decision time for the protagonist.
@ilcc I have made a lot of bad life choices but I just pick myself up and keep on going…11
@zombieinfusedtea For me, it depended on what the decision that I had to make was. A lot of the decisions that I made was to protect those that I care about, I realize now that some of it was misguided loyalty, and some was my duty to protect them. Some of those decisions, as painful as they are, I will never regret. Then, there are those decisions, like the ones that I made concerning Mickey, where it probably would have been easier to deal with that being put out in the public eye (Since he did it anyway without my knowing), then what I had to deal with in reality. Then there were the type of silly decisions that all young people make, those were actually the easiest (Go figure, right?).
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I am all about quality work. Even my shortest entries have many drafts. It is easier said than done to convey your exact message. Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year. Hope you’ve been staying out of harm’s way.
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You are invited to my open house. Things are getting started so stop on by.
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