Ungreatful Brats
Does anyone want a couple of new kids ??? After spenting Saturday afternoon going to 6000 stores at 200 different malls during the christmas season to find some shoes because he tore his up, my bratty ass son wants to throw a fit because he had to clean his room. Ain’t that a bitch. Plus went to 400 other stores spent $100 to buy crap for his birthday party. (party is 12/15, december is the worse month for a bday).
What is the problem with kids nowadays? Back in the day I would have been beatin to within a inch of my life. You do that now they call child protective services on you.
What is wrong with the world today ??? Can’t even go to the mall without some crazy gunman running loose.
There is no wonder I can’t shake this damn holiday depression. The dirt nap is looking better and better all the time. Ungreatful kids, pain inflicting wife, can life get much worse ?
Life is a bitch, then you marry one, then you die.
we have crazy drivers down here which makes every day life interesting.yeah i know my parents would have been like “tough stuff son”.i have recently tried to tell my 6 yr old we dont always get what we want&you need to have a back up plan.
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The world is changing constantly, we must always adapt with it. Your day isn’t today. I dont know how old your kid is but Im guessing he is under 13, they dont necessarily comprehend greatfulness at this age, they dont see the work that gos into buying those shoes. Patience and communication is key, Good Luck.
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I totally understand where your coming from but an eleven year olds perspective of how the world works is still forming. Im sorry you and your wife don’t get along.
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I was just talking to my roomie about back in the day when I’d get in trouble, getting my ass beat with a belt..and how nowadays it’s against the law..I think happiness is relative and it’s an illusion you have to create for yourself each day until you believe it
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sorry to be the one to point out the obvious… but you raised them that way! i’m 31 and still play the spoiled brat role. hey, i was use to getting everything i wanted as a child. so i still expect to get (and do) now as an adult.
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