wednesday – july 6 -2022
up at 8. 30 am . to iTunes. 9.16 am to 10 . 00am online. 10.00 am to 10 30 am lead down . 10 30 am to 12. 00 pm get free food today was a sub. 12.00 pm to 12 30 pm suff in the room . 12.30 pm to 2.00 pm lead down. 20ppm to 3.00 pm General Hospital. 3.00 pm to 3.40 pm had a shower. 3,40 pm to 4.40 pm to get Chinese food had chicken chow main and Bread shrimps and chicken fried rice at joy inn 9.89 . 600pm to online. 600pm to 7.00 pm the news. ps 7.00 pm to 11.00 pm home videos on DVDs. 11.00 pm to 11.32 pm the news and ps 600pm to 11.15 pm on online