monday Aug 1 2122

up at 8.30 am   9.40 am to 10 20 am  online   . 10 30 am to  12 10 get free lunch today was meet lofe photos peas.  100pm to 1.40 p  reading   .200pm to 3.00pm  General  Hospital . 300pm to 3.40 pm had a shower  .  3.40 pm to 450 more reading . 600 pm to 700pm suppr  had chicken  nuggets and  tbunstack  . 600pm tp 11.00pm tv  .   600pm to  10,00pm online .  ps sorry i did  not  p0st on the  weeeknd  but   was  at the  3 day long  weekend its your Festival  had lots of  fun

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