Think I might be onto Something

hey pals, I do not have a computer and no swipe while typing entries so I will keep this short even if so much has happened 🙁  I got fired again and lost all the friends I typed about and thought I might be a victim of self sabatoge so I hid in gloom.  People talked to me and asked me to stop hiding so I stuck my head back out but did not talk, just listened.  Once people feel heard, they listen so I got to talk and they still stayed, I might be onto something.  Best part is I have known these newly heard peeps since childhood 🙂  My girl was playing tough football and a girl said she wanted to take  my toddler football son to play.  He refused her hand so I held it and she did not let go.  If I keep listening first….It may just be possible to make friends at 40!

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November 10, 2012

What happened to your job?

January 4, 2013

What happen to your computer? 🙁