Stand Up Be Proud~

Today I went with my bestie to get a mammorgram.  I got to see her boobies, they are the biggest I’ve seen on such a little person.  She swears she’d trade me, then I pointed out she was saying this to me right before she was about to get them smashed and photographed 🙂

Jack is more adorable and loving then any other.  He would still be the full toddler if left in a room with others and only a limited amount of food.  He agrees with me how much easier life is by being able to tell me exactly what he wants and how he feels.  To be able to explain to him one day he will be taller than me..then see that understanding settle in…and that happiness is worth losing baby Jack for toddler Jack. 

He says, "Leave me be."  when sissy isn’t done playing when she should be.  Or when he has to poop.  He needs his corner and his privacy.  I’ve been able to engage him on potty chat, even told him big boys that go potty get to sit on a real tractor, no go. 

Lauryn was getting bad grades, but my bestie has a girl just a couple years older then Lauryn and she is a whiz math.  They get along and sometimes she spends the night.  She is a big time cheerleader, I’m constantly going with my friend to watch games.  In the same gym I did my flag routines in so many years ago.  She’s 13 today and going through awkward puberty.  She kept calling Lauryn fat, so Lauryn went up to her room.  The girl went to follow and Lauryn asked her where she was going.  I asked Lauryn why she was so rude and she told me cause the kid keeps calling me fat.  I told Lauryn that Dr. Phil told me kids Lauryns age might look up to and believe cheerleaders so they start starvng themselves and puking and eating chocolate to make them poop and Lauryn said, "I know I’m not fat mom.  Send her in and I’ll handle this myself."

Lauryn’s first boyfriend is our neighbor here in our town.  He asked her to go with him and then he never spoke to her again.  Months later, she heard he was ‘cheating’ on her with another young lady and Lauryn was angry.  She was going to confront this neighbor boy and walked right up his steps and knocked on the door, arms crossed and tapping her wittle foot.  He did not answer the door, and that night I told her that she dumped him a long time ago duh..she lit right up.

Lauryn wanted to know the name of the girl her cousin likes.  She told him who she liked, and he did not return the favor. I was cleaning her room and found a very long letter to him explaining how she had better things to do then waste her time on this letter telling him that he dind’t keep up his end of the deal.  I took it and put it behind a picture in a picture frame.

This girl that owns a small business in this town posted all over her facebook about this woman that works for a gas station is a total bitch and should be greatful for her job and welcome everyone sincerely.  She got everyone to bad mouth her in comments, and complain about her.  I went to the gas station to warn that her new year wasn’t getting off to a good start and that trouble was coming her way.  I handed her my phone and let her read what had been typed about her, she didn’t have a facebook.  She didn’t even know she had offended the business owner. 

I went to the business owner and said that I agreed with everything she typed.  The woman is a bitch and not welcoming.  But How Dare she take it to facebook and get her picked on all morning.  When I was spongebob, I was grateful for my job but damn near 40.  Some bitch walk in expecting a special greeting while being sarcastic…isn’t going to get one from me.  I’m not going to kiss anyones ass for a $5.00 order and no tip.  This one woman would come in with sarcasm, and I wondered if she had slandered me on facebook.  Not fair, the business woman was being much more of a bitch then miss gas station ever thought of.  The business woman agreed on some,but I still removed her from my possible pal list for good.

I have a house full of kids this weekend, and will most definitely be seeing my pal.  I am SO greatful I have a female bestie.  Used to think I was cursed to have no mother, and no woman companionship Ever.  She was certainly worth the wait

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January 4, 2013

RYN: Oh trust me, I have barely left my bed since Tuesday morning and I have the weekend off to help myself get over this bronchitis. Love Ya girlie and glad you are having so much fun with your new irl friend. 🙂

January 5, 2013

Lauryn is just the greatest. Good for her 🙂

January 13, 2013

I wish I was there to be your girl friend. 🙂