The not so giving tree

Dear followers, hey everyone!  It’s official!  I have lived in this house 15 years, and have never seen a severe thunderstorm that’s taken on a life of it’s own. Until. Now. The two big fat branches that fell in front of our neighbors house were the width of our street.  I was told people called the city. Seriously.  I didn’t even hear the crackle and bam of them hitting the ground.  Despite everything, I had to let my family cat Jacques inside and my dog didn’t want to go further than my front door steps.  And yet, I am okay.  I feel very blessed that Oscar and Jacques are safe as well. In about fifteen minutes, there was soooo much damage, and it wasn’t even a tornado!  See my Facebook for more, if you’re lucky enough to be on it! LOL.  TTYL.




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