my imaginary personal assistant
If I had a personal assistant I’d probably make her clean my house. But then again, only in imaginary land, or perhaps the career of a writer, would that happen, so I guess I’m going to have to deal with my chores right now. If that’s what PAs are for, so be it, but something in my gut tells me that I don’t think they are! Couldn’t keep my lent promise this week. (surprise) But neither could anybody else, I even found the person online who proposed the ban posting! (Big whoops on their part I suppose! Apparently they’d been on this whole time. Augh. So much for a stalemate. Makes you wonder how that guy from Kstate is doing.) Got a few new cds from the library display, one was over due, and I have to watch a DVD set today (Strangers with Candy) that will be overdue in a few more days.