Start weight: 131.9
Goal weight: 110
Calories: 1200-1500 calories/day
Exercise: at least 4 days/week
Breakfast: Oatmeal, blueberries, almond butter (330)
Lunch: Mexican salad (340)
Snack: Apple, almonds (290)
Dinner: Spinach, frozen kashi dinner, cheese (340)
Total: 1300
Exercise: None… still sick from yesterday, and the bf is coming home tonight so I want to clean up.
I was venting to Anthony today about how gross I felt, etc. Before I met him, I hadn’t lived with anyone for 3 years. I was pretty focused and dedicated on exercise/diet and I stayed around 120 lbs for most of that time. I was 115 when I met him, but that is because I had just broken up with someone and was smoking/not eating/not sleeping. Anthony promises me that he hasn’t noticed a difference in how I look, but I’m sick of the unhealthy binging/restricting cycle I’ve been in since we met. It is not good for me physically or emotionally, and it needs to end.