
Ok so random thoughts on a cold Thursday ….


Anything less than 60 Degrees is just Fricken cold.


People shouldn’t hold the door open at restaurants for people two blocks away… Yea that’s a bit of an exaggeration but damn I get cold wait till they get to the door to open it. I don’t come to your house and stand with the door open. Heat is not free and if our bills go up your food is going to cost more


Why oh why do cops always show up after the idiots are done drag racing each other and going left of center and almost hitting someone … Two Seconds earlier they would have been busted


I think Punishments should fit the crime more… If you beat the shit out someone one you should get the shit beat out you act… We have a guy here who was drunk ran a red light  hit a salt truck and killed his wife who was Prego and his 2 yr old has a  cracked skull.. Strap his ass in one of those cars instead of a crash test dummy and let it rip… If you knew what you do to someone was going to  come back to you… Maybe people would think twice


Oh yea I have a story for you… About 3 weeks ago I went and got mom from work on the way home we decided to stop at Wendy’s It was about 11:30 at night… The Wendy’s I stopped at is in a business area no house’s even close… while placing my order I kept hearing a cat crying .. So after I got my food I parked my car and went looking for the cat. It was super cold and we were suppose to get a lot of snow and ice the next day I couldn’t leave a cat out in that .. Also it might get hit lots of semis in the area SO I now have a Cat her Name is Frosty: D

http://picasaweb.google.com/Mellington73/Frosty   Pics of the kitty I dont know how to get pics to post in here lol

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January 3, 2008

I’m so glad you went and got the cat. That’s more than most people would have done. =o)

January 4, 2008

Awwww…looks like frosty got herself a good home!

January 4, 2008

Glad you stopped by! Did ya give Frosty some french fries? 🙂

ryn: thanks so much for your note

January 4, 2008

She is so freakin cute!!!

January 4, 2008

RYN: Beads are fun … lots of interesting ones out there!

January 6, 2008

Mental note = Do NOT keep the diner’s front door open….I might show up this Friday by the way. I get all my cats that way. Boy you get a street cat and show them a bit of love and they will kill for ya.