Layer One: On the Outside
Name:: Melinda
Birthday:: 11/18/73
Current Location:: In my bed.

Eye Color:: Blue
Hair Color:: Red
Righty or Lefty:: Righty
Zodiac Sign:: Scorpio

Layer Two: On the Outside
Your Heritage:: Greek,German, Native American
Your Fears::Bad things happening to the ones I love.. I am a worry wort
Your Weakness:: Lots of things
Goal:: Right Now its to plan and pull off a nice wedding in may

Layer Three: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your thoughts first waking up: Damn already and Sorry Nikita didnt mean to kick you
Your bedtime:: To Late
Your most missed memory:: Steve yelling across the Bar .. Hey sissy this chick called you a bitch .. He has passed away I miss him

Layer Four: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke:: Pepsi
McDonald’s or Burger King::McDonalds
Single or Group dates:: Single.
Adidas or Nike::New Balance
Lipton Tea or Nestea:: Nestea
Chocolate or Vanilla:: Strawberry
Cappuccino or Coffee:: Hot Cocoa

Layer Five: Do You?
Smoke:: Yes
Think you’ve been in love:: I am in love
Want to get married:: Yes May 30th 2009
Believe in yourself:: Yes.
Think you’re a health freak:: I will answer this one when I quit Laughing

Layer Six: In the Past Month
Drank alcohol:: No
Gone to the mall:: Yes
Eaten Sushi:: No
Gone skating:: No.
Dyed your hair:: Hell yea

Layer Seven: Have Your Ever?
Played a stripping game:: Yes.
Gotten beaten up:: Yes
Changed who you were to fit in:: Hell No .. Love me or Hate me you wont ever forget me 😀

Layer Eight: Getting Old
Age your hoping to be married:: 35

Layer Nine: Perfect Mate
Best Eye Color:: Hazel
Best Hair Color:: I think its brown lol
Short or Long Hair:: Bald 😀

Layer Ten: What were you doing…
1 MINUTE AGO:: filling out Layer one
1 HOUR AGO:: Calling A stranger whos check I found outside the movie theater.
1 DAY AGO:: Checking out the New Rbar .. How I have missed that place
1 YEAR AGO:: Moooning over Brad cause I thought he had a GF and that made me sad

Layer Eleven: Finish the Sentence
I FEEL:: Full BD’s BBQ I ate to much
I HATE:: Bi Polar Lame as Sports fans who think the world is ending after a loss and Idiots who dont know how to drive or Order Food
I HIDE:: Not much Really
I MISS:: The people I Have lost and the friendships with some people I no longer have
I NEED::Playoff Hockey In Columbus


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