I am dreaming of trying to collect the kids from school and the child minders are useless and V’s running off and the 5 yo somehow having a pair of scissors and a knife and cutting his palm before I can get to him and then again V has to be wrangled back. At some point I am walking somewhere<again, I keep having to go back for things> and realize I will have to go back to get shoes if I’m going to make it the rest of the way through this snow. In the end, we have to take a different route because it is impossible to get out of the packed parking lot.
I am dreaming of Mister having weedwhacked away the plants I’ve been observing until they flower to see if I can figure out what they are. Of long, detailed arguments with V that I cannot escape. Trying to pack while my dad nonchalantly takes things back out of the boxes and talks at me so I can’t think clearly enough to know if I’m going to make it to the airport in time.
I guess now the dream I had a while back where A declared he was going to quit his job because he felt like it and then also had no further plan was a little on the nose. But when I worried he was going to cut and run then, Mister told me I worry too much.
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