Update… update… update..

It’s been quite awhile. Sorry!! Things are good here! I got Xerxes on the 20th. He’s sooooo cute. The last week has been absolutely INSANE though!! I’ve felt like I’ve had a dog attached to me constantly (which I have) and I’ve felt like I’ve been outside waiting for my dog to go potty more than I’ve been inside. He’s beeng waking me up at like 0430 to go to the bathroom. Then we go back to bed until 0930ish… unless I work at 0700. It’s been an amazing experience with him. I love him to death. He’s sooooo freakin’ cute!! 🙂 He’s had his cousin Kasey to play with all this week. Hopefully things will calm down a bit when Nate and Aj go back to Kentucky 🙁 It’s been nice having them here!! 🙂

Aj and I are going Ice Skating tonight. She’s never been. I’m excited. It’s been years since I’ve been!! I need to go to a Hockey game again soon. There’s one on NBC tomorrow- the Red Wings play!! GO WINGS!! I’m going to see if Grandma will record it for me. I think we are taking Aj to the airport tomorrow, so I won’t be able to watch it- unless I skip out on taking her and just let Nate take her. Who knows. I’ll probably get grandma to record it for me.

Xerxes is sleeping right now, that’s why I’m able to be on here and update a bit. He is a demanding puppy. He’s taken up alot of my time… been working a TON too. I’m going to have an AWESOME paycheck next week. Soooo excited for that!! I worked overtime… plus, got extra weekend pay, and incentive pay… so I made 9 dollars an hour extra on top of overtime pay AND my regular pay. I think I made like 26 dollars an hour that day. It was freakin’ SWEET. They needed someone this weekend, but I said no, due to the fact that if I had worked this weekend I wouldn’t have another weekend off for another 2 weeks. So, I declined… even though the pay would have been SUPER sweet. I’m getting wore out… especially with not gettin’ a whole lot of sleep anymore ’cause of Xerxes.

Well, speaking of Xerxes, I need to take him outside… he just woke up from one of his many naps!!

Hope everyone is doing good!! Send me notes!! If ya want to call, leave a message- I changed my phone number…. so if ya want to call, just email me or something and I’ll send it to ya… Hoopsgirl2@yahoo.com


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February 3, 2007

Yes, things were amazing, it still feels like everything I saw was a dream! Aww, I’m so happy you got a puppy. That is awesome and as much hard work as it is, definately rewarding! Haha, I know a boy from Kansas, and he has started to get me into American Football. Watching the Superbowl tomorrow. My first game! And I started to watch Ice Hockey.. Really really appreciating it! I hope your well!

February 3, 2007

And really glad to hear things are looking up.. Such a bummer about your birthday, but things are always around the corner.. So any word on P? Things are calm, yeah? Keep with the updates girl! T xo