Update finally

Well, things have been crazy around here. Poulas and my sister-in-law came 2 weekends ago. The weekend following that I drove to Burlington, Iowa (turned into a 6 hour trip… ugh)… and I stayed with my friend Anna from Friday until Sunday. It was nice to get away for awhile. Although things are going strangely well right now. It was nice having Poulas here. I miss him to pieces!! He’s been talking about moving back here thought… so that’s encouraging. He’s been talkin’ to my mom about how he’d move his stuff here and if he could stay here until he got on his feet, etc. I’m soooo excited. But, I’m not going to give into that joy until he’s actually here. We got to spend Friday-Tuesday together. It was awesome. I loved having him to come home to after work. I didn’t realize just how much I missed him until I saw him. It sucks being so far away from him. We got into it a bit on Saturday, because he was gettin’ all flirty with these girls at the bar. He’s confusing. I was talkin’ to my friend Curtis on the phone and asked who I was talking to, and I told him, and he said, “should I be getting jealous?” and I was like, “Um, why would you get jealous?” and he didn’t answer me!! Jerk!!

I’ve been hanging out with Derek alot lately, and he introduced me to his ex-girlfriend Stephanie whom I’ve happened to come to like alot. She’s cooler than crap!! We’ve been hanging out ALOT too, without Derek. I love hanging out with her. It’s nice to have someone cool to hang out with again. It’s been awhile since I’ve had a girl friend. It’s always been boys and they are retarded right now. They piss me off. She came over tonight after I got off work and cut my hair. I burned some CD’s for her while she cut my hair. We’re going to a movie tomorrow. “The hills have eyes” or something like that. I’m excited!! Then next Friday, I’m going to the Rob Thomas concert with my friend Megan and then Stephanie and I are suppose to go do something. I’m not sure what that. My weekends rock anymore!!

As far as men go… there are none in my life at the moment, and I’m kinda liking it that way. I’m having fun, that’s all that matters. I have Stephanie and Derek… that’s all I need… lol… no, but seriously, I’m not really looking for a man. If it happens, believe you me, I’m not about to let the opportunity pass, but I’m not actively seeking it. I have better things to do.

Work is going ok. Apparently they are making me wear this leperchaun(spelling?) thing tomorrow at work. It’s going to piss me off and I’m going to look the a freakin’ retard!! Oh well. DANG ST. PATTYS DAY!! I’m going to wear everything BUT green tomorrow. Dang people!! UGH!! Oh well. So, yeah. I’ve been keeping busy there the last few days. I have accomplished alot in the last 2 days. I’m getting organized for the first time in my life. Kinda funny!! It’s weird trying to get in the habit of keeping everything straight and neat and keep up. It’s been fun though, and it’s made my days FLY. It’s awesome. I get paid tomorrow, which is another good thing. I’ve had to replace so much crap on my freakin’ car the last week it’s not even funny. I think I laid 400 dollars down already. UGH. I had to get my shocks replaced BAD.. it was horrible. Then, my brakes were grinding BAD… so my dad replaced those too. All in the same week. Next my dad is going to replace my timing belt. I’ve already hit 10,000 miles with that dang car. I got it at 70,000. That car has been everywhere with me!! The funniest thing happened last night. My dad had just finished with my brakes and Stephanie and I got in my car to leave, and my dad didn’t pump the breaks, so when I went out of our garage (which is on a slight incline) I started freaking out because my brakes wouldn’t work. Stephanie thought I was kidding when I screamed “Crap, I don’t have any brakes” and then I started dodging things behind me and she realized I wasn’t kidding… and she ended up throwing my car into neutral and then to park when we slowed down. Scariest thing ever, but it was HILARIOUS… and we’ve all been getting a kick out of it. My dad said he looked out the window and was wondering what I was doing in the middle of the yard…. lol… it was sooooo funny. It was my retard night last night, because earlier I had tripped over a suitcase I had laying on my floor, and it could have been worse than what happened, but I ended up falling straight on my butt, and instead of knocking my head on the metal desk behind me I ended up falling into my clothes basket thing. UGH. Stephanie laughed so hard she was crying and finding it hard to breathe. I was sooo embarrassed, but I know it probably looked rather funny. LOL.

Anyways, let’s see… what else.. not a whole lot else has been going on. Just hanging out having a good time. That’s all for now I suppose.

T- hope things are going well. Sorry it takes me forever and a day to update. Things are just super crazy around here anymore, and I always hate waiting for this dang computer to load. It is sooooo freakin’ slow and it pisses me off. So, I just never bother, but tonight I figured I should since it’s been such a long time and I didn’t really have anything else to do. I’ve been reading your updates the best I can. I was a few days behind, but I’m caught up now. I miss talkin’ to ya!! Leave me a note or something!!


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March 16, 2006

oh my god your so fricken funny.. i am crakin up just thinkin bout last nite.. lol thats great.. luv ya steph

March 19, 2006

what do u mean where am i from? my parents are from singapore, but my brother and i were born in brisbane, australia, and we moved around abit. i’ve lived in brisbane for 7 years, venezuela for 2 years, and singapore for 9 years. spent most of my life in singapore – it’s where i grew up, 7-15 yrs old, so i guess that’s where i’m from? but i’m australian in nationality. (my parents migrated here.)