The outlook wasn’t brilliant for the Mudville nine

I hate when they give you a limit on Entry titles… the rest of the line should be “that day” but stupid OD doesn’t let me finish it… so, I just did it here.

Anyways, my grandpa has taken a turn for the worse. He got pneumonia last week and doesn’t look like he’s much going to make it. Hospice has been called in. Last night I went over there… he seemed to be doing ok then… but then again, most times patient’s seem to be getting better and then it gets worse after awhile. It’s sad. My grandpa and I were never close close… but I love him dearly… after all, he is my family. It’s hard watching my grandma suffer and not know what to do. We’ve helped what we have been able. UGH. I hate death. I’m not scared of it, it just sucks.

Talked to that super awesome guy last night… for 3 hours! It’s nice when you meet someone who can compliment your sense of humor and understands it perfectly. Just wish I could meet a guy like that HERE.

Amy starts her new job today. Wonder how that’s going for her.

I have to work at 1 and I’m definitely not looking foward to it. It was nice having the weekend off, even though I didn’t accomplish anything except finishing the last season of Gilmore Girls 🙁 I’m sad it’s over. I’m not sure I liked the ending… at least not the part about Rory and Logan. UGH… it’s just a tv show… I know. But after watching 7 seasons of it, they tend to grow on ya… their pain is your pain… lol… just kidding, I wasn’t that bad. But I did cry real tears during the last episode.

My brother and sister-in-law come to town soon! YAY. I can’t wait.

My friend Linsey will be here on like the 21st or something. I’m excited to see her. Even though I saw her at Thanksgiving time. Hopefully we’ll be able to hang out.

After work I have a computer date with that super awesome guy!! His name is Jason by the way. That’s all I’m saying.

So, have a great night everyone! And maybe I’ll update again soon. I’ve missed writing in this.

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December 18, 2007

RYN: What if i were to deliver your KK in nothing but a thong and KK glaze? j/k lol

December 18, 2007

I hope you have an awesome holiday.

December 20, 2007

RYN: Yeah, but all that glaze could make one hell of a mess,… I’m spending xmas with family this year, I have to work xmas night and new years night but I have the Eve’s off so it’s all pretty good.

December 20, 2007

Oh! And I just remembered where your title came from, Is it Casey At Bat?

December 23, 2007

RYN: I work in a retail he!! called Wal-Mart. But because my back is screwed up I either answer the phone or am adoor greeter. Granted the hardest part of my job is dealing with customers but it is sooo boring that my nights completely drag on and on. But good news today is my friday and I don’t have to go back to work until 12:00 am on the 26th.

January 6, 2008

I’m actually up to Season 5 of the Gilmore Girls.. I’m a late starter..