Song from me to Poulas

So, Poulas left today 🙁 I told myself I wasn’t going to cry… it’s just really hard when I know he doesn’t want to go back. So, I said good-bye… got in my car… him into his… and we drove away. I didn’t start crying until I was about a block away. At least he didn’t see me crying, I don’t want to make him feel bad. He hugged me before he left and said “I love you” and that was that… I used to wonder if it’s as hard on him as it is on us, and I finally came to the conclusion that it is, but he has a different way of showing it.

Last night we went to Akron and partied with Linsey, her brother and a couple of his friends. It was soooo much fun… got drunk and walked to the golf course where her boyfriend Dan was working and had some more to drink. Poulas drug me out onto the dance floor and we slowed danced… it was soooo funny. I am definitely not coordinated enough for that- especially when a bit intoxicated. It was fun though just being in his arms and him holding me. Ugh!!

Ran into Kyle there. He was kinda surprised to see me. Lol. I was trashed too, so I’m not exactly sure what I said to him. Lol. Oops. I told him to call my dad that he could use the help. It’s a small world.

Ended up staying at Linseys and Poulas and I shared a room and someone else passed out on the couch right outside our room. We got a few hours of sleep and drove back to my house so I could get ready for Church. Fun times man!!

Well, Xerxes is trying to fall asleep on my arm so I can’t exactly type very well right now so I am going to end this entry. The song lyrics included are by Julie Roberts. It’s a great song… and it’s how I feel about Poulas… not holding on anymore, but can’t get over him yet. I’m trying….

I’ve been tryin’ for a long, long time

But no matter what I do

When I turn to leave, my heart stays behind

‘Cause I can’t get over you

I keep movin’ on, runnin’ hard and fast

But everywhere that I run to

I’m just standin’ still, livin’ in the past

‘Cause I can’t get over you

If memories were like the leave that fall

The wind would have carried them from my mind

The seasons pass, but they never change

A broken heart can’t keep time

If memories were like leave that fall

The wind would have carried them from my mind

The seasons pass, but they never change

A broken heart can’t keep time

While I watched as colors faded in the sun

The color of my love stays true

I’ve been letting go now, but I’m not holdin’ on

I just can’t get over you

I just can’t get over you


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