Someone knock me out please

So, last night was rough. I coughed all night… not even cool at all. I took some stuff but it apparently wasn’t working. I think I maybe got a couple hours of sleep, but that’s it. At one point I fell asleep on the floor. My mattress isn’t in a frame of any sort, they just sit on the floor… I gathered up my blankets and propped my head up on the top of the bed and was in a sitting/laying position… fell asleep for awhile and then woke up coughing, as usual. My poor dog is probably ready to kill me because he didn’t get to sleep either… lol.

Eventually I went out to the living room and slept in the recliner. I did better out there.. coughed quite a bit still but at least got a few ZzZz’s.

Not looking forward to work tonight. 3-11 and then tomorrow I work 7a-3p. SUCK. The rest of the week I work 7’s… I hate working days… I am definitely not a morning person at all.

I need to get ready to go to job #1.


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February 5, 2008

I hope u feel better soon! I hate it when i cant sleep from coughing. Try some socks with vicks vapor rub on ur feet. Its weird but it really works if all else fails!

February 5, 2008

I totally feel you on this. I’ve been coughing for about a week now. My hubby actually said in the middle of the night last night “man, I need a good night’s sleep, you are going to the doctor tomorrow!” Ofcourse I’m not going because I feel alright during the day. Hang in there!

February 5, 2008

NyQuil, lots and lots of NyQuil. That’s how I deal with that sort of thing.

February 5, 2008

ughh. 3-11 followed by 7-3 is freaking torture. you wind up dreaming about work and then feel like you never left at all.