So, I was thinking…..

I am in need of some male companionship… I’m not talking for the physical aspect of it. I am talking for some good male hanging out time… I work with women all day… I talk to women all day.. no I’m not complaining about the women in my life… I just need some men around me. But, there’s no one that can fulfill that for me at the moment.

Besides that things are going ok. My dad insulated my attic a few days ago… apparently there wasn’t that much up there. So, now hopefully my house will stay a bit warmer than it has been and that my furnance won’t run as much. So far, so good.

Work… I won’t even go there. Things are not good and I am not happy with my current situation… but, I need both my jobs and can’t afford to lose either one… so I will continue doing what I have been doing and just deal with it and try to stay sane throughout the process. But if something comes open at my part time job to full time I am definitely taking that.

I am starting to feel isolated again, and this time not by my own doing. Even the people that have stuck around I feel isolated from right now. I don’t know what the deal is nor do I know how to explain it.

Well, I got to go. More some other time.. not in the mood to write anymore.


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