Small update

So, I know it’s been a LONG time since I’ve been on here and responded to anything… I apologize… things are going well though.

I’ve been trying to get settled into my house… I’m not used to living by myself, and it has been a rough couple of weeks trying to deal with the lonliness, but I am trying. If anyone has any ideas on how to get over that it would be greatly appreciated… I’ve been reading and watching movies alot… when I’m not cleaning just for the sake of having something to do. I have a dishwasher but instead of using it I’ve been washing them by hand just so I have something to do. Scary eh? Who would have thought that about me? LOL… Surely not me.

Work has been alright. The doctor from my part time job is out of town for the week, so right now I am play catch up since he did a butt load of dictation before he left… but at least I have all week to get it done without more piling up on me. I’m planning on going in to that job here in a few before I go to my full time job.

My Penguins WON last night! In the 3rd Overtime!! It was awesome… and I’m soooooo happy we won!! It was the most amazing game I’ve watched in a long time… I scared the crap out of my mom when we scored… lol… I was up pacing around cause if we lost it would mean the Red Wings would have won Lord Stanley… and I couldn’t watch that… as soon as Sykora sent that puck to the back of the net… I let out a scream and started running around the room. It was fantastic… my mom was on the couch sleeping and I woke her up… was kinda funny… It was the GREATEST!! I’m sooooo pumped for Wednesdays game… We play in Pittsburgh so hopefully with home team advantage and the home team fans we will be able to send this to a Game 7 and dominate!! And take home the CUP!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Ok, so, enough about that. Things are good. My Hockey team is good… and besides being lonely I am good.

I know I am horrible about updating this thing… I don’t get on it much. I have a cell phone and if you’d like to call or text me or something, let me know and I’ll send ya the number. It’d be nice to have people to talk to.


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June 3, 2008

My friend is a Detroit fan and when his friend texted him the final score he threw his phone across the room!! That was honestly like the longest hockey game ever, though. Things to do to beat the loneliness: -have a housewarming party/BBQ/Cookout -explore the area around your new house for fun places, cool coffeehouses, etc. -introduce yourself to your neighbors Good luck!!

June 3, 2008

I hope the pens take it. My ex is a wing fan so hope the lose bad

June 4, 2008

Good to hear you’re doing alright.