Sailing along……

I’m at my grandmas killing time before having to go to work. I really don’t want to go today. But, I went home sick yesterday. I felt like crap. I had a headache since the day before. Was really dizzy, tired, and just feeling all around crappy. So, I went home and slept pretty much all day. Feeling quite better now. So, I work today. Have tomorrow off, and then work Thursday and Friday. Saturday night I am going to the hockey game. I’m excited about that. It’ll be fun! It’s Steph’s birthday that night and we’re suppose to go to the bars and such things. It’s her 21st. So, she’s probably going to get pretty trashed.

So, things are alright. I’ve decided that I’m going to let Poulas come to me from now on. Seriously, it’s like he doesn’t even know me anymore, and that’s not my fault. It’s like he never even cared about me at all. He had the chance to come see me, after he knows how much I’ve wanted him to be here and how much I needed him to be here. So, that’s about it on that front.

My mom needs to use the computer, so I am going to finish this some other time. Things are alright though. I’m doing fine!!


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