Randomness rocks!!

So, I was sittin’ in my car on lunch break the other night and this song was playing on the radio:

Life isn’t always beautiful

Sometimes it’s just plain hard

Life can knock you down

It can break your heart

Life ain’t always beautiful

You think you’re on your way

And it’s just a dead end road

At the end of the day.

But the struggles make you stronger

And the changes make you wise

And happiness has it’s own way

Of taking it’s own sweet time

No, life ain’t always beautiful

Tears will fall sometimes

Life ain’t always beautiful

But it’s a beautiful ride.

Life ain’t always beautiful

Some days I miss your smile

I get tired of walking

All these lonely miles

And wish for just one minute

That I could see your pretty face

Yes, I can dream

But life don’t work that way

And I was like WOW. What a perfect song to have heard that day. It was kind of a rough day… unsure about alot of things… feeling lost…

Trying to move into my own place with Steph. Alot of things have to get worked out before that happens. My dad is being a dick. I haven’t seen my mom for awhile. I will tonight after she gets off work. Then I might have to go to town to get away from my dad. I can’t put up with his bull all the time. How things were different when my brother was around….

I had to go to the doctor today. I feel very violated. They took an ultrasound of my uterus… it’s a long story… and it kinda cracked me up… if ya wanna know why, ask me and I’ll private note ya… I know not everyone wants to know about it… but it made me chuckle while at the doctor’s… lol…

Anyways, it was my day off today. Thank goodness.. It was nice!! But, I’m kinda bored now. Was gone most of the day dealing with the Doctor… then picked Stephanie up in Jefferson at Jeff’s and then took her home… then went to Walmart, dropped off my prescription.. went to Mindy’s apartment to check something out for her (she was at work)… then went back to Walmart and picked up my prescription… then came home. Phew. I was gone most of the day. Then I came home and CLEANED. I think I’m not feeling well.. lol…

I cleaned my room (it needed it bad). Then I watched NCIS. I LOVE that show. I’m addicted to it too, except not as bad as I was Smallville.

Speaking of Smallville… new season coming soon!! YAY. I’m glad they are doing another season. Any excuse to watch Tom Welling and Michael Rosenbaum I will find 🙂 They are absolutely HOT!!!!!!!

Will’s coming to town this weekend (suppose to)… and my luck, he isn’t going to call like he said he was going to. Jerk. We’ll see though!!

I have Monday (Labor Day) off. WHO DEY!! (sorry… GO CINCY!!!) My Aunt is celebrating my cousins birthday that day. At for once, I’m not working for this. I’m excited. I feel like I haven’t seen them in forever!! I don’t think I have seen them in forever now that I think about it.

Thursday, Stephanie and I drove to Omaha to get Jeff from the bus station… at the butt crack of dawn. Drove by the old house. IT LOOKED LIKE CRAP!! Poulas said that the VA has it now, and it takes them forever to do stuff with it. It seriously looks like it hasn’t been mowed since we moved out, and someone took apart the fence…

BUT, there was a pink rose that was in full bloom. It was really pretty. Stephanie was going to pick it, but I decided that I didn’t want to get into trouble… so, she didn’t. It was really cool though. Brought back alot of memories, and made me miss Poulas, and dad even more. It’s almost been a year. 4 more months and it will be. That’s hard to believe.


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September 1, 2006

ryn: I teach 9th grade English. They’re already screwed up by the time they get to me, but. . . it’s tough, because I’m sure I add to the damage >_< ps. . . it’s admirable that you studied for it a bit, then quit when you decided it wasn’t right for you. Most people just ignore their doubts, and wind up making lousy teachers (or quitting within the first 5 years).

September 1, 2006

actually, the fact that you cared enough to not want to screw them up probably makes you more qualified than most. . . thanks for the note. take care, ~