Pink in the Rink

Last night was our Breast Cancer Awareness night at the Hockey game. It was AWESOME!! They were selling these neat Pink in the Rink shirts that I got through my work… it was cool… pictures of it on facebook. The Hockey rink was pink… players jerseys were pink as well as the ref jerseys (pink and black stripes). Was pretty neat. 🙂 Had alot of fun… but was pissed off once again that we LOST!! We suck!! 🙁

Anyways, things are swell. Been working a ton of days and it’s killing me… I miss my 3’s… where I don’t have to get up at the butt crack of dawn to work. I like my sleep.. and considering I’ve been having issues getting to sleep it’s been a nightmare lately. I’m exhausted. I slept til 10:15 this morning and then got up and came over to my parents and helped my dad fix the corn picker. Not fun. But I do owe my parents alot for helping me out with my stuff to fix at my house. So, it’s the least I could do I suppose. Never say I’ve never put in a few hours of hard work. 🙂

There’s another game tonight. WAY excited. Play Fargo tonight. We played Chicago last night. Lost in overtime.. sucked bad!! Hopefully we do good tonight. We played really well last night… at least better than we have been playing in the recent games… so, GO US!!


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Very funny pictures freetube 5582

October 18, 2008

Sounds like you’re doing ok, right?

October 21, 2008

You live in Iowa and have a corn picker? That my dear girl is HaWt!! TLC

October 29, 2008

response to note; I’m 33, I have been with the same girl off and on since i was 16 she was 14, 2 kids. During the off time I miss her, during the on time she has the ability to piss me off more then anyone i know. I wouldn’t want to be without her tho, i just wish she could change a little bit and not be so damn selfish. how do you like your new apt? If i make a new diary i will give you the addy