Not too good

Well, Poulas’ dad went into the hospital this morning. Poulas hasn’t had any sleep in who knows how long… and he’s staying at the hospital til he’s… well, whatever happens. It’s not lookin’ too great.

I moved in today. I feel horrible.. I’m here… and he’s there… and that’s how he wants it right now. I feel like I should be up at the hospital with him, but I know that isn’t the right thing right now. I start work tomorrow morning, EARLY. I’m excited, yet scared. I’m worried about Poulas and his father. I’m not sure how well I’ll sleep tonight. I told Poulas that if he needs me he’d better call, and I’d be right there. So, I have my cell phone on.. I’ll be taking care of his step mom when I get home from work. It’s so weird living here now, having my belongings with his belongings. I’m washing clothes right now, yes, his clothes too. Figured he didn’t have time to worry about little things like that, and since I had some clothes that needed washed, I’d do his with mine. So, that’s that.

I cleaned his room. Got clothes picked up. You can actually walk through his room now. It’s amazing 🙂 I need to get to bed here soon, but there’s still so much to do, and I don’t have all night to do it like I’d like. Oh well. There’s always tomorrow night.. 🙂 He wants me to call him before I go to bed… so I’ll probably do that here as soon as this batch of laundry is done. There’s like 3 more loads to do, that probably won’t get done tonight. I’m tired… and I’m worried. I guess maybe that’s why I ended up cleaning so much tonight… gives me something to do, and at least I’m helping out in a small part. Wish there were more I could do. But, my number one priority right now is Poulas and his family. Whatever they want me to do, will get done. I promise you that. If he calls me at 3 a.m. and wants me to go up to the hospital, if only to smoke a cigarette with him, you bet your butt I’m going right then. I’d do anything for this family, and he would do anything for my family. So, things work out. And I love him to death.

Anyways, that’s all for tonight. The laundry is almost done… and I’m heading to bed.


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