New Job Update

First day was yesterday… it went well I think. The lady was impressed and said she was happy she found me- so that’s a good sign right? She said I’m going to catch on fast. I work again tomorrow and Thursday from 12-2:30ish. Then I head across the street and work at the hospital from 3-11. UGH. It’s going to be a long couple days. After that, I have Friday off from both places… work at the hospital Saturday and Sunday and I believe Monday at both places. UGH. What did I sign up for?? Oh well. More money in my savings account.

My parents took my taxes in with them since they were already doing theirs. It cost me $40 and I get almost $900 back I think. Thank God!! It’s all going into savings (duh)… I’m trying to build that up so I can eventually move out and not have to live paycheck to paycheck… and with my spending record… it’s going to be bad if I don’t have alot saved up. So, I’m hoping to have like $8000 before I decide to ever move out. It shouldn’t take all that long, considering about $600 is going to be going in every month. We shall see what happens. I’m thankful for the jobs I have… especially since I love both of them. It’s awesome 🙂

John was working tonight… that was funny. At least I looked semi cute!! LOL… Wasn’t expecting him, and it kinda took me by surprise… I think I just stopped walking and stood there.. what an IDIOT!! Haha. It was great. Then, he had to come up almost immediately after that to draw blood from another lady… and the same thing… stopped walking and stood there. MAJOR IDIOT!! Oh well. It was kinda funny. I caught a bunch of crap too… because after the first time I said “there went my lab boyfriend” and everyone had to give me crap since I just stopped walking and stood there. Smooth Alissa!! Yeah… then there was this guy sitting at the Nurse’s station just talkin’ to us like he knew who we were (and like we had any idea of who the heck he was). I found out his name is Matt… he used to work at the hospital… in admitting… don’t know how he knew people up in Post Partum… but he did… he works for the railroad or something and makes good money… maybe I should hook up with him… LOL… Kidding. I’m not a gold digger thank you very much… He was kinda cute… in a dorkish sort of way… but after all, I would be attracted to him since I do like the dorkish sort of people… well, also the homosexuals… but that’s besides the point. It’d just be nice to meet a NICE guy who WASN’T gay… ugh… the situations I find myself in.

Anyways, I’d better get to bed. It’s an early morning with a LONG day ahead of me. Have a great night everyone!!


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