
Life is good right now. I work Monday-Friday from 8-4:30 (not sure if I mentioned that in the previous entry). I know it’s been awhile since I wrote in here. Sorry!! I actually don’t mind this job that much. Sometimes I just want to go home… but, it’s not too terribly bad. I have to wait another week for my paycheck though, so that kinda sucks!! I’m in need of money bad. Too many bills to pay… all got piled up.

I babysit tonight for my Aunt. Hopefully they won’t be out all night. They are going out to celebrate my Aunt’s birthday. We’ll see how late they are. Then my friend Jeremy wants to hang out. He’s kinda weird, but, it’s something to do I guess. He’s cool, don’t get me wrong, just kinda worries me sometimes.

I talked to Poulas last night. It had been awhile. And I find that if we don’t talk for a few days we have more things to talk about, especially now since I’m working and he’s working and we have separate lives. I miss him though. I think this distance has been good for me emotionally… but, I do wish he were here. I feel like a huge part of me is missing… and I know it’s because he’s gone. He was such a huge part of me and my life and now it’s gone, and I don’t know if I’ll ever get that back. Part of me hopes things don’t work out in Ohio… that way he’d come back home, but it’s not 100% that he’d even come back here. We keep hoping that he will. He’s been sick the last few days. Poor guy. I always want to baby him when he’s sick. Last time he got sick, I was also sick, and we were both nursing each other back to health. It was quite hilarious. Him and I have a connection that I hope will never be broken. Even though he lives there and me here, we still have it. I’m glad him and I got things worked out last month. I’m glad I was able to see him before moving back here. My mom is going out there next weekend. I wish I could go with, but I won’t be able to with this new job and all. Kind of a bummer. I don’t know when I’ll get to see him again, or if I’ll get to see him again. That’s what scares me the most.

Anyways, I should be going. Time to watch more tv.. lol..


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