It’s interesting…..

It amazes me sometimes that people keep up with little ol’ me. I know I write sporadically and sometimes it’s just to bitch and moan a bit… more bitching than moaning… lol… anyways…

So, we got a buttload of snow last night. Sucks big time. I am pretty much snowed in my house since I’m still a bit sick to be out there scooping… so, my mom is coming to get me in a bit to take me to work for a few hours and then my dad will pick me up on his way home from work.. and maybe later scoop my driveway for me?!?!?! Who knows. I don’t care anymore… going with the flow.

I feel mucho better today!! All those drug induced comas I put myself through really helped!! HAHA. I’m glad I went to the doctor when I did. The doctor didn’t really look at me much… I guess I’m getting better at self diagnosing myself and they just believe me these days. Scary. So, I’m on Amoxicillin… freakin’ horse pills. BAH!! I already hate swallowing pills and then having to choke those things down!! UGH!! I swear they get stuck half way down and hurts like hell for a few hours and then goes away… just in time for the next pill to get shoved down there.

I have snot running out of my head… it’s annoying… my voice is still scratchy and I know I sound freakin’ hilarious… I can’t help it though… so, yeah. Go me!!

Anyways, my mom will be here soon and I need to go finish getting ready! Keep up the notes!!


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December 20, 2008

RYN: Iowa City, pretty much the coolest city in all of iowa. that snowstorm/ice storm today? i was busy driving to des moines and back during it. i don’t use yahoo messenger, just AIM, and i’m sort of weird about phone numbers of people from the internet, not personal, just had some family history that didn’t go so well in that regard, but chattin on here or AIM is cool, yeah?