Holy Buckets Batman!!

I think I have used that title before… Oh well.

So, things have been super here lately. Haha. That’s a joke. Things have soooo totally not been super. I am beginning to hate my job (surprise surprise)… ok, I take that back… I am beginning to hate a certain person at work… ahem… Phyllis… ahem… NOT a pretty story.. too much crap to write… short version: she is a habitual liar… and she’s told a few lies about me.. and she’s just an IDIOT. Enough said.

I think I’m just tired and stressed out from work that it isn’t fun anymore.

Found a song… here are the lyrics..

Anytime, anywhere, anyplace

You could be anyone today

Maybe I would recognize you on a crowded street

Maybe you’ll take me by surprise

Will you be the one I had in mind

There’ll come a day

When you’ll walk out of my dreams

Face to face

Like I’m imagining

Baby how can I be sure

That you’re the one I’m waiting for

Will you be unmistakable


People say we’re watching our lives

Through a glass

Desperately waiting on a chance

I know you’re out there

Holding on, holding out for me

How are we to know the time is right

What if you’re here and I’m just blind

How can I know a song I never heard

How will I know your voice

When you haven’t said a word

How do I know how this will end

Before we begin

Before we begin

There’ll come a day

When you walk out of my dreams

Face to face (face to face)

Like I’m imagining (Like I’m imagining)

Baby, how can I be sure (how can I be sure)

That you’re the one I’m waiting for (You’re the one I’m waiting for)

Will you be (will you be)

Will you be (will you be)



Xerxes is well. Fiesty as ever. He is getting more and more of a personality… and he’s NAUGHTY!! LOL… My mom thinks I should take him to obedience school… I guess I may if he keeps being a snot. Just like having a kid I tell ya.

Still no luck on the love life. Oh well. It’s alright actually. I’m having fun being single.

Haven’t been to a Hockey game in awhile due to work. I am majorly MISSING it!! 🙁

There’s a game tomorrow in Sioux Falls, but I don’t want to go by myself that that one.

Jen and I are suppose to go out Saturday. I’m trying to get Amy to go.

I’ve been playing wii at Amy’s and I absolutely LOVE it. I’m totally loving the tennis game. 🙂 I need to get me one of those things.

I got all my Christmas shopping done. That feels good to have done. One less thing to worry about. And I actually got something for everyone that means something to them. I’m totally excited.

My birthday is in a couple weeks. There’s a Hockey game that night that I’m going to… that’s the extent of my plans for now. Not sure what else is going on.

Malea turns 30 soon so we may be going out drinking sometime soon. That’d be hilarious seeing HER drunk!! 🙂 She’s totally crazy sober.

I’ve got a good set of friends finally. I absolutely adore them!! And it’s not a me giving constantly friendships… they give as much as they take. It’s amazing what getting rid of a few bad apples will do. 🙂

I need to go on vacation.

Poulas is doing well. We seem to go through spurts… I think it’s ’cause we both get really busy. I know, that’s no excuse. Maybe I’ll call him tomorrow.

I saw the Krispy Kreme dude at Kum and Go today… I wanted to stop just to see what the delivery boy looks like.. wonder if he’s cute… lol. That’s how I met Poulas ya know. Fun times. Good memories.

Obviously I didn’t stop to look at the delivery boy, but it seemed like it’d be funny. Hmmm… maybe next time.

I have to work in the morning and I am STILL up. What is wrong with me? I took a short nap tonight. It helped a bit, but I am still tired. But then again, I’m always kind of wired. UGH.

Anyways, that’s all for now. I need to go to bed.


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December 14, 2007

Good luck getting a wii. Those things are at a premium right now. You might want to wait until after the holidays. Oh and if the guy is gonna deliver krispy kremes, does it matter if he’s cute? KK rules! Forever!!