Good Good….

I’m doing really, really good. Things have changed, and they’ve been a good change. I quit hanging out with the people who don’t care about me, and I’m starting to worry about me and take care of me rather than worrying about everyone else and taking care of everyone else. WHAT A RELIEF!!! I feel soooo much better. And I am taking care of me.

Been hanging out with Megan and Mindy alot. They’ve been super good to me. I’m thankful I have them in my life.

I’ve been going to Church, and actually looking forward to going to Church. It’s been awesome!! Don preached last Sunday and it was the BEST. If only I had stayed in youth group. LOL… I’ve always had a thing for Don… but my life and lifestyle would have kept us apart anyways… He hardly knows I’m alive though anyways. Oh well. Guess I can admire him from afar.

Work is going really good. Last night was kind of a nightmare, but I survived, and I think everything was done correctly. It would have been alot better had it not been twins I had to admit. I have never admitted a baby by myself, and I got two last night, so that kinda made for a long night. It took me 3 hours to get those twins all taken care of. Too long. Maybe tonight we’ll have 1 admit and I can do that thoroughly and get the hang of it.. last night I kept putting orders on the wrong baby, so I had to go delete like 20 orders and put them in on the right baby. UGH. The nurses were pretty good though. At least a couple of them were, the others didn’t have any clue what I was asking them. So, I figured it out on my own or asked one of the nurses who was doing good about looking after me. So, I got through the night. Went pretty quickly after getting the twins. I absolutely LOVE it. Next week I’m in Mom/Baby… which I guess is easier than the NICU where I’ve been the last month.

Poulas and I went to a Bible Study thing at Melanie’s house a week ago Tuesday. It was fun. Poulas actually stayed through the whole thing and participated more than me… which was kinda amazing. It was good. This guy Jack lead it. He’s pretty good. I guess he’s an Engineer Intern for some place in Sioux City. Apparently he’s not from here or something. I’m not sure the specifics… but he was pretty cool.

I’m going to South Carolina in November. THANK GOD. I miss it!! My Aunts been trying to get me to come back sooner, but that’s the soonest I can get there. So, I’m excited.

Anyways, not much else to say. I have to work 3-11 tonight with my mom, so this should be an interesting night.


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June 21, 2006

you know, i had my own bible study group once. then it turned into a full-fledged church. imagine that…me, of all people, used to run a church. and RYN: if i do move down there we really have to hang out some time. ~