Funny how life works sometimes

Well, I GOT A JOB. Poulas and I went to this party at his cousins house last weekend, and this girl said something about her mom needing a secretary… well, to make a long story short, this girl (Rachel) ended up giving me her mom’s number and told me to call her on Monday. So, Monday morning, I wake up, and call. She asked me to send her my resume. So, I got that sent off, and went to town with my mom for awhile. Came back home, had a voicemail on the phone AND an e-mail from her saying she’d be interested in meeting me, could we set up a time? So, I called her back, and we set up a meeting for yesterday at 6p.m. So, I show up at 5:45p.m. and talked to her and her husband (who is also a lawyer… it’s their business)… for 30 minutes… and I have the job. They will cover my Health Insurance, so that was AWESOME news. I’m totally excited for that. So, the only thing that will come out of my checks are taxes… I’ll have my car paid off in NO time. And now, I think I’m going to end up getting stuck with a couple hundred dollars in medical bills. CRAP. That’s totally not cool. But, I’m just excited I have the job. Oh, so that means I am moving in with Poulas on Sunday night. EXCITING!! 🙂 Well, I’m not sure how long I’ll stay there, at least for awhile, and NO, I’m not going to be living for free. We’re fixin’ to work something out. Still don’t know what, but we’ll figure something out. I just said I’d pay a couple hundred dollars, and he can do whatever with it. But, I don’t think he liked that idea, so we shall see what happens.

Anyways, not a whole lot more going on. Just been living between Sioux City, and Bellevue… so, I’ve racked up some pretty hefty miles on my car. Poor thing. It’s done good. I have to look at getting some different tires, or at least rotating them before the snow comes. I really dispise SNOW. UGH. So, yeah, we’ll see what happens with that.

Tonight, I might go to town and hang out with my friend Laura. Haven’t hung out with her for awhile… so, it’s about time… especially now that I’m moving again. I really hate moving too. UGH.. but I seem to do it alot anymore. Oh well. It’ll be good for me. My parents are I aren’t that great of roommates. I hope Poulas and I can learn to get along for more than 4 days at a time. I think we’ll be ok, but I think it’ll be a struggle at times. We shall see though.

Anyways, that’s enough of an update right now. I have to try to get back on my mom’s good side… she’s kind of pissed off at me right now… she went for a walk and hasn’t returned yet. I’m starting to worry. Oh well. She’ll be home shortly. More some other time.


P.S. T- I got your note, thank you! I look forward to chatting with you sometime.

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