Exploding pop bottles…..

So, last night I had a nice surprise for myself in my car. I apparently had left a 24 ounce diet coke plastic bottle in my car (it was full) and since it’s been soooo freakin’ cold lately it froze and then, you guessed it, exploded… ALL over my car. Back seat… the inside side of my backseat, the inside side of my front seat (drivers)windshield and all… UGH… So, I got to clean that up today. Came over to my parents house since their garage is a bit more warm than mine is… got the shop vac out and sucked it all out. Got a hot washcloth and some water with soap and cleaned the windows off and whatever else I could that got pop all over it. I was sooooo pissed… I knew better than to leave that crap in my car… I didn’t realize it was in there though so that’s why. What an idiot though!!

Muskies beat Lincoln on Wednesday… was quite funny. We are in 4th place and Lincoln is in 1st and we played HORRIBLE Wednesday night… well, I guess 2nd period was a good period but other than that we pretty much sucked again. So, we have won 2 times since Thanksgiving. That’s HORRIBLE… games tonight and tomorrow, so ya’ll know where I will be.

Work sucks… I’m not saying anymore on that subject.

Going on vacation soon. I’m sooooo ready for that 🙂 Not looking forward to leaving Xerxes with a woman I don’t know but my mom does. I’ve met her a couple times but nothing more than a “hey, how are you?” I’m nervous about it. This morning he woke up with his sweater all jacked up on him and he wouldn’t let me fix it… kept trying to bite me so I gave up and went to work for a couple hours… came home and he was more willing to let me fix it… so I did… then we came out to my parents. I am going to leave him here while I’m at the game so my parents will watch him and hopefully bring him back to my house later since I brought him out. We shall see. I hate driving out here at night in the winter… the road to their house SUCKS!!

Anyways, let’s see… what else. My birthday went well.. I’m not even sure if I’ve written in here since then. Had about 25 people at my party… in my little house… it was tight, but it was SUPER fun!! Lots of good food, and lots of company 🙂 Fun times!! And Xerxes did amazingly well.

Well, I’m going to go and continue watching Hockey. When the game is over I am going home to get ready for the game tonight. GO MUSKIES!!


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