Day 3

So, it’s been 3 days since I’ve smoked. Today has been majorly HARD. Some people may laugh at me and tell me to buck it up… but if you’ve never tried to quit smoking you will never understand. It’s the hardest thing I have ever done so far. UGH. Was crying today while driving because my head was telling me I wanted a smoke, when I really don’t. It’s just the habit of doing something with my hands while driving. It’s frustrating, hence me crying. But, I’m proud of myself and I deserve a pat on the back. But, I’m finally starting to feel a bit better.

Random: My teeth really hurt tonight. It feels like they are shifting or something. Just achy, and it’s really starting to annoy me.

I’m waiting for the Hockey games to get over so I can do the rest of the stats before I go to bed. My Penguins lost again tonight 🙁 I’m bummed. I guess there was a ton of hype and they aren’t really living up to it at the moment. I know it’s only like their 3rd game, but c’mon!! I’m still a die hard fan whether they make it to the Stanley or not (but keeping fingers crossed regardless).

20 DAYS UNTIL THE BIG GAME!! WOO HOO! I’m way excited!! Minnesota has been playing good lately. They have won 3 of 3 games so far in the regular season… but, I’m still going to be rooting for the Pens on the 30th!!

Anyways, that’s all for tonight. I’m going to read while waiting for the scores.


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October 10, 2007

I’ve never smoked, but I bet quitting is something like trying to loose weight when you love to eat…. good luck. Try to find someone else doing it too or who has previsouly quit to give you tips!

Awww, no! I wouldn’t laugh! Just offer a hug and say “You made it this far! Keep going!”… uh, so yeah, what I just said 🙂 super duper good luck to you in quitting forever! 🙂

RYN: see! you’re stronger than you think 😉 it’s tough, no doubt, but you seem to be doing well! certainly, it getting easier is a sign you’re winning! yay! stay positive 🙂 hope everything is going well for you, if you need another virtual hug, let me know 🙂 take care!