Last night we had a killer party at the house. Most of my entire family was out here, minus a couple people. My sister-in-law flew in for the festivities. It was AWESOME. The fellowship was awesome. For the most part, I love all of my family. It’s amazing seeing so many different people gathered at one place… and not have a fight. I was extremely pleased… we all did so good 🙂 There were probably 50+ people at my house. We had a big picnic dinner… and we sat outside in the driveway and watched my dad’s cousin light off fireworks. It was great fun 🙂 My friend Mindy came out, so that was cool. Got to bed a little too late (had to work this morning at 7.. UGH)…

Work is going really good. My trainer claims I know what I’m doing. Sometimes I wonder, but I think I am feeling a little more comfortable with it all. I’m training in a new area (Post Partum and Newborn Nursery)… it’s a completely different world than the Neonatal Intesive Care Nursery where I started my training. I miss it up there. 🙁 But, in time I will have another chance to work up there. It sucks that I’ll have to float to every area, but hey, I guess it’s only mostly fair.

So, things are going REALLY well and I am quite pleased. Somedays I get lonely, yeah, but it’s worth it in the end, because at the end of the day I can honestly say that I am happy and have had a productive day, whether I just sat around the house all day, or worked at the Hospital. Doesn’t matter I don’t have many friends…. I’m happy. I’m at a place in my life where I’m not doubting myself. I’m comfortable with who I am and who I want to be, and I’m trying to acheive that goal of becoming who I want to be.

Anyways, that’s about enough of an update for today. My Poppy from South Carolina comes tomorrow. YAY.. And hopefully Poulas will be stopping in sometime tomorrow or the next day (crossing fingers)… wish he could come down tonight, but that isn’t possible.


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July 16, 2006

I just wanted to say thank you for everythin. i don’t know why were not talkin anymore, but i glad that u are doin good for yourself. i’m sorry for everythin, but thanks for tellin me that stuff to move on. i know i can do better, but i just feel as if i can’t in my mind i don’t feel as if i worth any better. but thanks luv stephanie