And the final diagnosis is……

DEATH… just kidding… that’s not what the doctor said. She said I have a sinus infection… WHICH by the way I called when I first got sick but was told by my mom (who is a nurse) that since my snot wasn’t green it wasn’t a sinus infection… little does she know… and much that I know… I WAS RIGHT DAMMIT!!! HA!! So, I got put on some antibiotics that are freakin’ horse pills can barely swallow them. I was told to not drive or drink alcohol… hmmmm… ya know, considering the only thing I want to do right now is get screwed up on alcohol… NOT…. driving is another issue… when have I ever listened to a doctor? Just messing… that was the histinex that he told me no driving until I know how it affects me and no drinking alcohol period. But, since it’s a refill and I’ve taken it before lots of driving there will be…. well, not exactly since I will be just driving to work and home for the next couple days… then it’s off to Hockey games. Life still makes sense. I’m going to be way lost when Hockey season is over… what am I going to do for the like 4 months they are on break for? I’ll be bald by the time it hath returned.

So, I feel like being an idiot right now. I don’t know why. Just feel like my brain is overworked right now so why not let the stupid side of me out… hmmm… I guess I never really knew there was a smart side… but guess we can dream.

So, I asked my friend Chris if he would like to get married and have lots and lots of Chrilissa babies… he was puzzled for a moment about what Chrilissa was…. hmm… and I’m not exactly the genius out of us… anyways… it was pretty funny.

That was rather random I might add.

So apparently I had a fever today… didn’t even know it. How fantastic is that? I think it’s pretty wicked… that’s my new favorite word of the day. My last favorite word lasted for a couple weeks… it was the word whomped… I used it alot when the MUSKIES were whomping on the other teams… I had to quit saying it since the last few times we got whomped on… you can’t exactly be proud and enjoy a word when it’s your team that is getting the word used on them. How inappropriate. GO MUSKIES.

I don’t know how I went from having a fever to talking about Hockey. Maybe I am seriously ill and shouldn’t be allowed to go to work tomorrow. Ahhhh, one can only dream.

So…. I like totally….. am not going to finish what I was just thinking… cause it was pointless.

Dr. B was really needy again today. I don’t know what the dealio is. And he hasn’t called me by Alissa in a long time… He calls me Georgie now… it’s a long story…. I was tired of everyone asking me to do stuff for them when they could do it themselves… and I got tired of hearing “ALISSA….. can you do this?” “ALISSA…… can you do that?” HELL NO… I’m done doing crap for people when they can do it themselves… especially if I’m really busy. I get walked all over… all the time… BLAH.

Oh, by the way, Chris is the same person that said on facebook that I am the one most likely to run through a screen door AND that I am the one most likely to require embarrassing hospital visits. How FUNNY is that?!?!?! I do tend to be a bit clumsy… but damn dude… 🙂 It was great….

Anyways, since I really have nothing to talk about right now and I am talking out of my bum as it is… I am going to go to bed.


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February 7, 2008

ryn: lol, not at all. thats what we come here for, to bitch about things!

February 7, 2008

at least you know what’s going on now. RYN: SSDD, but I’m alright, you?

February 7, 2008

ryn: lol, me too!