And so it continues

Today was a HORRIBLE day at work. There’s this nurse that has an issue with me… I’m not totally positive why but I have an idea… see, her and “Princess” are buddy buddy… and I said something the other day to the effect that Princess doesn’t do jack squat up there… must have pissed her off… and now she’s being rather snotty and snippy with me. WHY ARE WOMEN SUCH IDIOTS?!?!?! Obviously, I am still in need of some male companionship. Maybe it will help that my brother is in town this weekend and I will actually get to see him because they flipped me to days tomorrow and Sunday. WOO HOO!! I’m just tired of women. I am having a hard time keeping caught up because nobody does anything. At least the Doctor said some positive things to me today. So, that made it worth it a little bit at least today.

Got a Christmas bonus from my other job today. That was sweet. It replaced the money I spent yesterday on Christmas presents. Still a few to get, but at least I’m getting there. I hate putting crap off til the last minute, but I guess that’s how I have been rolling lately. UGH.

On a positive note… it was Xerxes 2nd birthday yesterday. I got him a little treat and bought him a new toy. He was getting all kinds of loving from me and my parents. Awwwwwww…..

Let’s see… what else… my friend had her baby today. A little boy she named Nate. She has 2 girls already. He was soooooo cute!! 🙂 I’m excited for her… I told her to name him Pete (so we could both have a Pete… well, me someday hopefully but at the rate I’m going I won’t be having any kids).

I still have “bitch” keyed in the back of my car. Damn him!! I think I’m just going to leave it and not get it fixed. Half the time I forget that it’s there anymore. HAHA. It doesn’t bother me none anymore. Now, had it said slut or whore or something I would probably get it fixed… but, I can’t argue with that I’m a bitch… lol.

Anyways, I decided this year that I am going to celebrate my birthday at my house… planned it all by myself and even made invitations out by myself. HAHA.. I rock!! And I’m actually rather early so that makes me happy… didn’t wait until the last minute. So, my birthdays on the 31st of this month and we are celebrating Jan 1st. Sweet!!

My furnace does not seem to be heating my house correctly and it’s pissing me off. It’s a new one… not even 6 months old. CRAP!! This freakin’ sucks! I don’t have the money to pay for fixing it… my dad is suppose to be coming over to look at it. Hopefully we can fix it without spending money… lol… with my luck probably not. We shall see.

Anyways, I’m going to go take a nap. Happy Friday ya’ll!!


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