To Connie

I had a friend named Connie. At different times in my life were as close as sister. At others times we were as far apart as strangers. In recent years it more down to exchanging Christmas cards. Boy, is that something I regret today.

Connie died last week in a terrible accident. She will never know how much her friendship meant to me.

I met her when I was 10 and we had just moved to ND from WY. I hadn’t wanted to go to ND and cried almost all they way. But it was long before this little dark haired girl came riding her bike by our new house. After several drive by’s we met. I can’t quite remember how that happened, but being very shy, I’m sure she made the first move. She lived about a block and 1/2 away and we soon ruled that block.

He family moved "down the hill" and not long after we moved "down the hill" as well, again about a block and 1/2 apart. However, this time KJ lived smack dab in the middle. By this time we were about 13.

I told many people at her funeral that she was an encourager..and that she had helped to encourage me into some great things, and some mischievous things as well.

The greatest encouragement she gave to me was when she talked me into going back to college with her in Bozeman. It was a great 6 months. And I returned to DSU and completed my college education. We turned 21 while in MT.

She went back to Grand Forks and finished her education. Then moved back to the home town and married her long time boyfriend. Then had her beautiful daughter.

Eventually I completed my schooling and moved back to the hometown as well. By that time most of my friends were married, with children and busy with that aspect of their lives. We would get together occassionaly, but began developing different circles of friends.

Then I moved away, got married, and started my own family. Trips back home were mostly spent at relatives, who wanted to see the babies. And we moved on. Still occassionaly running into one another and always greatful for a quick visit.

I had not seen her for two years. See her mom a lot at hockey games.. But not her.

I have regrets for friendships forgotten. For letting them slip away unnoticed.

Even in her death Connie is encouraging us to strength, towards friendships lost..uniting us back together. Even though my heart is heavy with sorrow, it soars with friendship rekindled.

May God bless her family, keep them strong during their sorrow.

And to all of my friends and family I love you.

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September 3, 2009

Nice. (hugs)

Your entry reminded me of a friend back home who I use to be so close with we could predict where the other was at any time of day. Since I’ve moved hours away we have drifted apart.