Wow! Is it really back this time?

I really regretted losing Open Diary years ago and fretfully searched for it more than a few times, hoping it might reappear. Although I never really utilized it like I intended, I chalked it up to”you don’t know what you’ve got till its gone”*. I didn’t really have enough time to devote to anything outside of work at that time, but now I do. Lately, being semi-retired with a lot of time and energy freed up, each time I read a book I’ve been trying to write reviews on GoodReads, LibraryThing or the OnlineBookClub, but I can be tardy, not doing so untill it is no longer fresh in my mind. Hopefully I will jot my musings down here where I do not have to be so quasi-professional or perfectionistic. I think blogs also smack of this (though I am interested in learning more how WordPress works). I listen to a lot of music as well and have passionate political and social viewpoints.

I really like the unpretentiousness of reading and writing diary entries. It harkens back to the quaint idea of putting a message in a bottle or maintaining a pen-pal relationship. Writing as much to the universe as to oneself. Maybe an antidote to the current facebook compromise/malaise?

*Joni Mitchell – “Big Yellow Taxi”

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April 10, 2018

Yes, an antidote we hope 🙂 Welcome back!

April 10, 2018

it is awesome it is back

April 10, 2018

Welcome back, I agree with your thoughts on open diary. Also, I enjoy goodreads as well