Geekdom is…
Going the first showing of HP #3 alone and enjoying it! Luckily the school year isn’t over yet, so the only people there were adults like me who couldn’t wait for it to come out! It was nice watching it without worrying about some little kid getting scared or making noises or throwing up…I plan on going again on Tuesday, most likely in the morning since I tutor that afternoon. I would take him, but I’m not sure his mom would think that it would be appropriate tutor time…he he he…any how it’s a good flick. They left out a bunch of stuff, but if you don’t want it to be 5 hours long that’s what happens. They got all the important stuff though…The new Dumbledor does a good job and everything was good.
Okay going to the first showing DOES make you a geek, but I’m looking forward to seeing it as well.
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