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September 7, 2009

ryn: thanks, i’m actually in princeton, nj now and i miss ny. haha but hopefully once classes start things will get better. Good luck in college!! hopefully it won’t be too stressful 🙂

September 8, 2009

only time will tell.

September 8, 2009

Welcome to OD! I would say “sometimes” or “often”.

My BFF is male and 19 and hasn’t had his first GF yet. It’ll happen…and yeah..you’ll screw up on the first date…but if she likes you (and is a worthy person), she’ll look past that.

October 23, 2009

thing is, first dates can always be awkward…I don’t think there is any helping it. But if the girl is worth it, she will stay despite any guy screwing up the date. As long as you aren’t an ass to her :p