Media Frenzy Confusion, and ‘Fatigue’

Hey, everybody.

So, I know that I’m certainly not the only one within existence who does this as a pass time, yet often I find myself at slight odds with people in my life about it…even though I know that they do the same. Go figure, right? LoL

Anyway, it’s about television and movies. I thoroughly enjoy watching both a lot. A LOT. LoL Mainly because one can learn about how to perceive other individuals, even though what is being watched is fictional. And then, also, I personally find that it is a great way to look at the world from a different, yet, unique perspective.

And then, of course, it’s simply a great stress reliever, and inspiration for my own fictional writing, since I enjoy doing that, as well. :p

Still, maybe I’m just unlucky or something, but I sometimes sort of feel like an Odd Man out about said pass time, because whenever I attempt to discuss the various series and movies I’ve seen and enjoy with others like friends and family, I’m always looked at as though I have five heads. LoL

I suppose, too, I will admit, that I often tend to get a little TOO enthusiastic over my various passions, this included, and my motormouth factor comes into play, so that 1, I’m already moving onto another, separate point before anyone can even finish (or start :p ) to form their own thoughts about it, and/or 2, my speedy mouth makes it a tad difficult for anyone to get even the gist of what I was talking about. LoL

I get it, I get it. I do. 🙂

Still. Even when I’m calm and taking my time, it’s still been a bit tough to actually find a meaningful discussion, even if it’s for series and movies I happen to know for fact the individual(s) do like, as well. And that’s really disappointing to me, because even though I AM shy by default (Who isn’t, really? :p), it would really be nice to for once be around a steady stream of like minded people around where I live, so I don’t have to keep dealing with the annoyances of unappreciated "You LIKE that show/movie??" all the time, especially from the so called ‘friends…’

I’m a fairly laid back kind of guy, and I generally ‘live and let live,’ so I guess that’s why it gets to me every now and then whenever I’M judged, even almost ‘crucified,’ if you’ll excuse me, for liking the things that I do.

Do I bat an eye over the interests you concern yourself with? No. Yet find out that, God forbid, a guy, yes, a GUY, happens to like the series, "Degrassi," for example, or actually found the Twilight series to be pretty good, then suddenly the world is about to end.

And never mind the ladies, especially in some of my past classes on campus. Either they’re all truly that stuck up by nature, were putting on a show, or I simply caught them on a bad day, but you would think that meeting a guy who, for one thing, is actually sensitive and pays attention to EVERYONE’S feelings, let alone that of a female, but also has similar interests that are usually designated for ‘chicks only’ like that "Degrassi" show or Twilight, would make them happy.

I guess you really DO have to be some sort of beer chugging, foul mouthed "bad boy" male stereotype before they pay attention, huh? Sorry, but I am who I am, and how I am, and I’m frankly getting tired of almost being expected to apologize for it.

I’m still waiting on my Princess, and I’m sure she’s out there somewhere, and it’d be great if she’d show up tomorrow, even, but I think I’m just going to continue to be myself and stick with my interests, rather than conform to something less desired.

Who knows? Maybe I may even bump into ‘her’ on this very site in the near future. 🙂 So if any of you single ladies enjoy, well, to make it easier on us both, the interests listed the side of my front journal page, why not drop me a line, and we can talk the night away. 😉 LoL

I’ll Be Waiting. :p

Goodnight, Everyone!
~ Mark

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