Hey, Everyone. First One


Hey, everybody, what’s up?





Name’s Mark, 20-years-old, and I’m a typically busy college student. But honestly, the stress of it all (among other things — which I’ll probably get into in later entries) has been getting to me lately. 🙁



But I’m trying to hang in there. 🙂



For now, at least, I’m keeping positive, and hanging out with my relatives from upstate. I definitely needed this, because I haven’t hung out with my cousins for a long time, and we always have so much fun ever since we were all kids. 🙂





I gotta say though, that being here right now has got me thinking about a lot of things I didn’t think of in a while. Well, no, I have, but I’ve been too busy in general and stressed to really find the time to.





But at the suggestion of my cousin, I’ve started this journal, to get some of those thoughts out and get further insight from some of you mutual journalists on here, hopefully. lol



Shouldn’t be too hard, since I did sort of keep a journal before, but a manual one…but I got bored with it. lol I am a guy, after all. 🙂





But, no. I am going to try to update as often as possible, but now that the semester’s started, I won’t have much time. For now, though, since I’m here, lemme ask a question, and hopefully some of you reading this will give me your opinion.





….Actually, I already forgot it. lol It’s late and I gotta get home; sue me. lol





I’ll probably come back later and add more.


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Till then, check you guys later, and nice to meet ya!




~ Mark


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September 6, 2009

welcome to od! nice to meet you as well, i’m emma skye.