1. What makes me mad
If OD Will stay up and running that is!
Things that make me crazy…..quite a few things, to be honest.
- Ignorant People. Here I’m talking people, who just don’t care. Whether its cutting queues, to saying ignorant things, to just being stupid. I don’t mean people who aren’t intelligent, but people who either a. ACT stupid, or b. Cant be bothered to learn better. RAAAAGGHH.
- Arrogant people. This one includes those who think they are the bee’s knees. Confidence is a good thing, Thinking that the world should listen to you because you say so, isn’t.
- Selfish people. Again, caring about yourself isn’t always a bad thing. "Looking out for Number One" in my book, is. Or at least those who go around telling everyone that is the case until they become arrogant about it (see above). Or those who take everything out on those around them, because theyre bored/having a bad day. Your meant to care about me. Or those who are money grabbing, complain they have no money, and then waste the money they do, so keep upping things like board, and then when you can’t afford, say tough, and start the cycle again. (not my parents). This can also include those who are bullies.
- Authority Abusers. A lot of people think i have a problem with authority, I don’t. But I have been brought up to believe that respect should be earned. And that is exactly what I think. Don’t tell me you want my respect, earn it, by respecting me.
- People looking at me like I came in on the last space shuttle. I have purple hair, I’m hardly a bloody martian.
- Sexist People. I’m female, and I don’t mind sexist jokes etc. I do however get sick to death of having an xbox live gamertag of Princess Zmee. You would not believe how many people fit into one of 3 categories (of evil) on xbox – a. 12yr olds or older requesting to be my friend, and then my boyfriend. just cause I’m female, does not mean i am interested. b. "You can’t play cause your a girl", funny, considering my gamerscore is usually at least double yours, and I’m usually MVP in things like Halo. And then, when you all gang up on me just to kill me, you start "teabagging me" I mean really, is it necessary? or c. Those who try to explain the game to me, like i haven’t played it before. These are the lesser of three evils, but still annoying.
- Friends who aren’t friends, who claim "but I’m your friend" right after/before/during stabbing you in the back.
- "Friends" who pretend I don’t exist. This includes Mike’s friends who are jealous/don’t like me, and expect him to care about their feelings. He doesn’t.
- News Reporters/Journalists. They twist everything and stay really dumb stuff (see ignorant people).
- (Nasty) Sarcastic People. I love a touch of sarcasm, but there becomes a point, where your just trying to point score, and its pathetic.
- Hating people in your family. I am going to a meal and surprise party next week for Mike’s Auntie (who is awesome) but her 14yr old daughter is a snot-nosed, attention seeking bitch, and her boyfriend is the BIGGEST. JERK. EVER.
- Animal Cruelty. End Of. This includes those who buy a puppy, and then now complain that its too time-consuming and expensive now she isnt as cute, and get rid of her. I don’t care if your family, I hate you for it.
- Kate Thornton, and him who now presents never mind the buzzcocks. HATE THEM. Why? I’m not too sure, but hate them I do.
- Trying to lose weight and failing.
- How everytime I like something, it becomes super popular. Or When I say ooooh, that would be a good idea, and within a week its being sold. (I have proof that this happened, I said about an e-reader WELL before they came out, on here, as a weekly theme answer)
I’m going to leave it at 15, or I will be here all night! I am actually an easy going person, but these things really bug the crap out of me. I wonder how many of these describe family and friends?!
Love to you all xxxx
I am also a female gamer, and getting stalked and ganged up on is one of my biggest pet peeves. I am not that great but I love Halo, isnt that what its all about.
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Yay, I’m glad I’m not the only one doing this!
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i agree with pretty much everything on this list. purple hair doesnt make you a freak. i like it! id have purple hair if i could. sadly id get fired. and ignorant people. and “friends” UGH!
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