The Return of His Divine Shadow’s Diary Ratings!!!

For those of you assholes who haven’t red my diary before, I have a diary rating system inspired by all the other diaries that exist solely for the purpose of telling other people what the value of their little piece of online real estate is. Now, my system has been around for a while, so I am not going to explain it all over again for the idiots. Just read this entry and proceed with caution.

First off, I’d like to give a quick shout-out to [Gives Head]. If I am supposedly "not important enough to hate" why are you leaving me multiple notes? Or apparently writing an entire entry in your diary about me? Or telling all your friends about me? I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone try so hard at "not caring." I don’t know what your entry says beyond what people have told me (and you can bet your ass I won’t be finding out for myself), but I have no doubt it is some sob story about how you are being unfairly abused on this site because of that stupid user name. I guess I should have mentioned in my entry that it is your ATTITUDE, not your diary or username that provoked the entry I wrote. Oh wait, I DID say that in my last entry. I guess you just weren’t paying attention. My bad. So much for the theory that you can read.

And before I forget, here is a quick note to all the assholes. You look like complete dicks when you try to "correct" my spelling. Did it ever occur to you jackasses that I misspell certain words ON PURPOSE to ambush you retards? It shure did occur to people who note/IM me regularly, cos it is always the same words I "misspell." Maybe you should focus on being able to write one 500-character note without typos before criticizing my style, bitch.

As for those of you who are of the opinion that I and/or my diary sucks, do you really think you have a right to complain? I tried to find a diarist among the hate noters I’ve received to see if I could find a single one that had the credibility to judge the quality of other diaries. In other words, I tried to see if any of these hate noting diarists didn’t suck. The following is the resulting account of what a collosal failure my expedition was:

[PerfectXFlaw] The.Teenage.Catastrophe
I don’t think I could have come up with a better title to describe this diary. Upon entering, I was greeted with an embedded music file. Way to force anyone who visits you to indulge in your goth-rock bullshit music obsession, [PerfectXFlaw]. And that is just a preview for the content from this diarist who so cleverly announces that "MY TEEN AnGsT HAS A BoDy CoUnT!" Only a billboard could have done a better job advertising what a tremendous loser you are.

It only gets worse from here. Most of the intro is so mind-numbing, I won’t recount most of it here, except like most "alternative" culture idiots, this dumbass spouts on and on about non-conformance, which would be admirable if she didn’t conform to the same goth-emo-hardcore stereotype that is so pathetic that it makes me wish abortion was not only legal, but mandatory for morons like this. This goes on to describe how the diarist has no life (duh) and proceeds to ambush us with a HUGS counter and a declaration of her Christian faith, because nobody would have expected that one from such a wannabe-badass diary. That would have been a clever little trick if anyone gave a shit.

The only good thing in this diary is the advice it gives to visitors:

"I enjoy writing, reading and my lovely Sanity (AKA computer. I have no/ I suck at life.) If you don’t like it, don’t read it."

Thanks for the advice, bitch. I won’t be returning here anytime soon.
His Divine Rating:F

[GemStarOfCyprus] Weird Shit That Happens…
Before I begin, let me address your note by saying that I did visit your diary and was wondering what I wrote that a loser like you actually liked enough to add me to faves. I wish I could find out so I could delete the entry in question – the last thing I want to do is attract more assholes like you. Now, on to the diary rating:

The colour scheme in itself I think merits the rating I give this entry, but it doesn’t stop there.

"(If you’re getting bored of the whole "I love Sefer, no I don’t, I love Merkan, no I don’t" saga, don’t bother reading this entry. I have to get it out somehow though, and I type faster than I write)"

This warning should be plastered on the entire diary, and "I love Sefer, no I don’t, I love Merkan, no I don’t" should be replaced with "This whole fucking diary." I think I just got stupider reading a diary that looks like it was written by a 13 year old middle school dropout.

Oh, and before I forget, only assholes embed videos into their entries. It’s just common sense.
His Divine Rating:F

[Lemmy Ou], Where is my mind?
This diarist deserves to be dragged out into the street and shot for the profane cover page alone. Everything about this diary sucks, from the lame JavaScript cursor trail to the bullshit entries with song lyrics posted in them. Why do people post song lyrics in diary entries anyway? It is because they think we give a shit? Do you think you are somehow deep because you are posting song lyrics for songs you like? Because you aren’t: YOU DIDN’T WRITE THOSE SONGS, ASSHOLE. And if someone really likes the songs you post the words to, guess what – they are probably going to be listening to the music, and not reading your sorry-ass diary.

Get a clue moron. Those Javascript Trails are lame and shitty. Just because a script exist doesn’t mean you should use it. JS trails are not clever, THEY ARE ANNOYING. Oh yeah, and I didn’t think I would be able to sleep at night without knowing that you are "60% Slut." Way to go, Lemmy, there’s never a dull moment at this crapfest.

In short, stop writing this pathetic excuse for a diary and go lie down on some train tracks. Asshole.
His Divine Rating:<strong style="FONT-SIZE: 18pt;COLOR: red; FONT-FAMILY: arial,helvetica,sans-serif”>F

[Chanel Girl] What it feels like..for a girl
Another diary that shoves shitty MIDI music down my throat. That alone makes me want to deface this diary out of spite, but that isn’t the worst of it. Nobody really needed to see the results of a test to know you have a personality disorder. It’s obvious that the only personality disorder you suffer from is that you are FUCKED UP. You should really consider committing yourself for being FUCKED UP.

Oh, and thanks for posting all the Madonna pictures on your page so it takes no less than 500 YEARS to scroll to the entry box. The only good I can see coming from this is that the fortunate will give up and go away without being exposed to your shitty personality. Seriously, talking shit about someone’s diary and not expecting retaliation is completely retarded, but not a retarded as your celebrity worship entries. Die already, you stupid, stupid fuck.

Oh, and before I forget, thanks for reporting me, [Chanel Girl]. It is a good idea to get people like me off this website. The OpenDiary needs more people like you – people with shitty diaries and bad advice, like asking a girl who’s coach is about to tell her parents about suspected self abuse to accuse said coach of coming onto her so no one will believe him. People with integrity like yours are the last people who should be complaining about character defamation.
His Divine Rating:F

[Mychemicalromance198] Your never coming home
"The Diary of the Punk Rock Princess
Hi everyone I am Lindsey. I am 23 from Peoria, IL. I am a punk girl and some call me a Punk Rock Princess. I enjoy life and I live with two kick ass roommates. I am obessed with My Chemical Romance. Anything you need to learn from me you will find all the info you need in my entries so be sure to read and don’t forget to leave me notes!"

I think this one pretty much speaks for itself. What a fucking idiot. And THIS person is telling me I should get a life? Not that I would take the words of a person "obessed" with My Chemical Romance seriously, but come on. I’m not even going to bother reading the rest of this diary. The intro itself is nightmare enough.
His Divine Rating:F

[Stellar Girl] Check my back for wings >j<
Uh oh, looks like the 54,859th time someone has accused me of plagiarism! Man, I sure am glad that [Stellar Girl] was able to put me in my place with the age old accusation that I am "copying Maddox." I’ll have to admit she shure 0wned my shit on that one. I couldn’t think of a better person to call me on my bullshit than a person who’s diary is not only boring, but hinges on original OpenDiary concepts like stickies and Internet Dolls on the front page that are used by half the OpenDiary users as well as reposted TAGS and mopey entries about some guy who probably realizes you are an even bigger bitch than I do. It’s a good thing that your diary is original, unlike mine. Oh wait…

Oh shit, I can’t use the words "oh wait" because they weren’t real words until Maddox used them. My bad! I must admit, I did copy and paste all my entry text from a magical entry of his that doesn’t exist. Oh yeah, and I used phrases like "NOBODY CARES", phrases I think you all know were invented by Maddox and were never used prior to his website’s inception, just like the concept of angry rants kicking people’s asses who deserve it. I guess next you will say that this entry is a carbon copy of his rating of children’s artwork, despite the fact that I actually got the idea from Diary Rating ODs and that the concept of failing everyone is a pretty obvious gag, so obvious that I managed to do several of these kinds of entries before I even knew who Maddox was. But don’t let that stop you on your bullshit self-righteous crusade.

As far as your diary is concerned, it sucks ass through a straw. Nothing says "maturity" more than a dumbass with images all over her diary like her quip "It’s all about ME!" Thanks for warning the public that you are a self-centered bitch. And that you are 51% angel and 49% devil. We really needed to know that. Of course, nothing makes your intentions more clear than the sticky proclaiming you to be a "attention seeking whore." I think that might be the most honest statement on your entire diary. Too bad it, like the rest of your diary, is as tacky as all the other assholes who are telling me why my diary sucks.
His Divine Rating:F

[princess-peach-pie] Jingle Belle Rock
Just when I thought I had scraped the bottom of the barrel, I happened across this little gem. Another weight-conscious fatty diarist with a Christmas theme. If the OD world had a bridge, this would be the troll nesting underneath it. Like OpenDiary really needs another foray into the calorie counting world. Too bad the only people who care are the ones fucked up enough to share in your obsession. Take your 20 tickers and shove them up your fat ass, loser. People who care have calendars and basic math skills.
His Divine Rating:F

[M@nder] A Walk Down Memory Lane!!
Hey, thanks for your note telling me "your an ass!" to my face. Nothing gets me going like a poorly spelled insult. Good job, [M@nder].

I didn’t think it was possible for a diary to get more boring. Or for a diary chick to have an uglier picture. I am not alone in this opinion either. Apparently, over a thousand people on your HotOrNot profile seem to think you are worthy of no more than a 5.7 rating out of 10. Who the hell puts up a Hot or Not profile when she’s got a boyfriend anyway? The only answer I can think of is "a total bitch."

But enough about Amanda’s physical inadequacies, let’s get down to the diary. In a word, it sucks. If you don’t believe me, you should follow the advice of the opening lines of two entries:

"Its time for Amanda’s boring weekend recap!"
"So this week has been pretty boring."

Fortunately, this diarist is just talented enough to include a periodic image between each paragraph of her entries, in the hopes that they will make her readers momentarily forget how fucking boring this piece of shit is.
His Divine Rating:F

[Pixiegoddess] Poison Tears….Life Denied
After the unnecessary JavaScript alert and the bullshit music I was forced to listen to, I had to leave. The entry titles didn’t even make me want to venture further. More crappy pseudo-goth nonsense and trite writing from an obsessed fan of Lord of The Rings. I wish you were dead.
His Divine Rating:F

This coward is on Faves Only. Jackass.
His Divine Rating:F

[thebrunettecometh] Not so teenage angst…
"Hi there. This Diary is favourites only for security reasons. If you would like access you are more than welcome to request it by leaving a note on this entry."

Security Concerns? Is your diary about your secret spy fantasies? Or are you just a self-important bitch who thinks that safeguarding her responses to surveys and personality tests can somehow be classified as "security reasons"? Unless you are a dumbass who posted her credit card number in one of her entries, I’m just going to go out on a limb and assume that you are probably just doing this to elevate your own self-importance. No doubt you have a diary hiding behind your Faves Only that is as shitty as the cover page. Moron.
His Divine Rating:F

This is going to have to do for now. I don’t think I can look at anymore uninspired, uncreative diaries without lapsing into a homicidal rage. I can’t wait for the onslaught of notes I will get from other people who "don’t care" about what I have to say. All I can say is that anyone of these diaries that leave me notes are effectively nominating themselves for the Hypocrite of the Year Awards, since they all passed judgment on my diary, and probably MaD’s too since I’ve noticed it is pretty much the same trolls noting me in my last entry. After all, what is a better way to assert your right to freedom of speech in your own diary than to criticize me for what I write in mine?

Either way, I won’t be responding no matter how many notes you send (unless I get something really good), and not just because this whole fight is already starting to bore me. Unlike your assertions to the contrary, I DO have a life and I will be busy with it for at least the next two weeks.

For the rest of y’all, you know how to get a hold of me in the interim.

-His Divine Shadow

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November 30, 2005

im still utterly entertained by it all,i went to MaD’s diary and actually laughed his entry was that good.i think the prissys should all get over themselves.

November 30, 2005

hi! 🙂

November 30, 2005 problem..i was just i think this is hilarious how you make fun of them ilke this

November 30, 2005

You’re my hero. 😀

Your diary is a guilty pleasure for me.

November 30, 2005

you make me smile

November 30, 2005

lets see how many of them note you this time. Okay that was hilarious, I couldn’t stop laughing the entire time I was reading.

very very nice.

November 30, 2005

oh that hurts, I am crying beyond my control…lol I liked what you said about me…it was funny and your opinion…I could care a less. I have 2 words for you …”madball wannabee” bubbb bbbbyeeeeee

Wait, where did Chanel Girl write that? I need to see it.

November 30, 2005

I didn’t think there was a reason we stopped talking, but I guess there was. MOstly I don’t take things like that seriously but I don’t know the guy and I don’t know if he’s serious or not. aren

November 30, 2005

Once again, ace reporter G. Beattie brings the facts: “MY TEEN AnGsT HAS A BoDy CoUnT!” is actually a good line from a good movie, “Heathers”, but it wasn’t spoken with all the exclamation and odd syntax. Then again, it’s somebody whose personal body-count needs to start and end at good old number one. The fat troll under the bridge thing was a gem.

November 30, 2005

Just random reading… *note to self, don’t piss of this diary owner* Take Care ~B

November 30, 2005

I came here from liannes diary. While MaD doesnt amuse me, you do.

November 30, 2005

You are an idiot.. enough said. I am over this and I am over you.. go hold a shot gun in your mouth and put your toe on the trigger.

November 30, 2005

Im not trying to impress anyone with my diary. Sure it may not be the most interesting diary around, But I like it. I like to keep my memories somewhere. Im able to look back on my entires and see what I dont a month ago or a year ago. It personally for me. And anyone who cares to read about my life. No matter how uninteresting it is. I think Im cute, I did the hot or not thing for a laugh.

November 30, 2005

so what if Im only a 5 or whatever. I dont take it personally, I may not be hot in other peoples eyes, But My boyfriend thinks Im hot and thats all that really matter right! I thank you for including me in your diary rating. Even though it does not meet your standard for a interesting diary. But everyone is entitled to their opeions!

November 30, 2005

“If the OD world had a bridge, this would be the troll nesting underneath it.” If Casey Lay did insults, that would totally be a caseyism. You effing rock. Back to reading…

November 30, 2005

This entry is so effing good, I almost feel pwned by it.

you shure showed them

November 30, 2005

As always, you pick on punks. You are the biggest loser on OD. Congrats.

November 30, 2005

Oh, now that I think of it, I did the Hot or Not thing once just for kicks, and only averaged a 4-point something. Sure, I wasn’t showing any cleavage like most of the chicks on there, but that should give you an idea of how accurate their “ratings” are. *preens* I’m a 10, beeyotch.

November 30, 2005

yeah right gypsy a 10 foot size in your doublewide trailer that you can barely get your fat hick ass in. HA! I saw you on Jerry Springer the other day, you fuked your mom and you wanted to fuk a dead transient, oh yeah you already did that. I mean your Daddy is black and you are OBESE. GIRL STOP LYING AND GET ON THE are in denial. You are making me feel sorry for you…

November 30, 2005

Oh shut up, Chanel Girl. You are 20lb overweight. And Gypsy is pretty dam hot. If I were to rate her diary, it would get low marks simply because there aren’t enough pictures of her in there.

i enjoy reading your diary and listing to you bitch at all of lifes little quirks and it is just me but if people dont like your diary they dont have to keep coming back and reading it. I give your diary an A+

November 30, 2005

not anymore…only 8 over..I am least working on it, whats your problem you no class fuk?

November 30, 2005

only a guy that is a loser and super insecure would name himself his divine shadow. You must be a gay guy that’s in Divine’s (a dead transvestite) Shadow…lol in a fat dead transvestites shadow…now THAT’S something to REALLY be proud of. You and gypsy must live together in the double wide at the trailer park from hell xoxoxoxo

November 30, 2005

now I can see why you meth lab’rs get off on this stupid shit. Its fun to dis stupid hicks like you…you are so easily amused…lol

November 30, 2005

Thats right channel you got this job well done! I am quite proud. Dont get jealous because Gyspy isnt half the woman that Channel is. Gyspy is what we like to call WTA… white trash of America and HDS well you are a wannabe that has to bag on others to make friends. I have more personality in my pinky then you will ever have. However good job ripping off others. Must be hard to Copy and Paste

November 30, 2005

ROFLMFAO!!! have i ever told you how much i love you? I was a victim of one of these at one point, lol…but then you fell for me 😉 You remind me of Howard Stern…everybody hates him, but they still watch him because they want to see what he’ll come up with next, lol. People LOVE to hate you. Keep them coming 🙂 By the way, I’ve missed you too.

November 30, 2005

heh, you are the OD TROLL under the bridge of filth! heh, this is fun…what do you want too dis now? Lets rate your od…23 years old…that explains everything, you are an angry little boy with a curved little dick. I will pray for you…sorry about your bad luck. xoxox

November 30, 2005

my rating for your meth lab diary is F for fuking crazy, mixed up, confused as hell and a little brain and little dick = F and L for lame. suck your own dick..if you can find it…lol

November 30, 2005

Yup, I’m obese all right. God, every time I see those numbers “115” when I step on the scale, I just want to kill myself. Why can’t I be a double-digit weight like my idols, Chanel Slut and her buddy IListenToShittyMusic? I’d better go eat another case of Twinkies and pray that my fat rolls smother me in my sleep. *rolls eyes* Puh-LEEZE, chickies. If your worst insult is to call me fat, then

November 30, 2005

perhaps you’re as lame and retarded as HDS and Madball give you credit for.

November 30, 2005

P.S. Any woman who has watched her body swell to amazing proportions in order to support the growing life inside of her knows that weight is perhaps the least important thing to worry about in this life. It’s clear, however, that you are nowhere near that level of maturity, and it makes me kind of sad to know that you still place so much importance on something so shallow and insignificant.

November 30, 2005

P.P.S. I’ll be more than happy to email some pictures to you if you still think I’m fat.

November 30, 2005

for future reference, it was entries such as “i’m about to get filthy stinking rich, want in?” and the one about the da vinci code, and any of the entries about what was happening in the news. it’s just a shame you didn’t update all that often. i guess i should be grateful, you weren’t actually all that abusive but i was slightly offended at the “middle school drop out” remark. never mind!

Someone here has a filthy mind.

December 1, 2005

wow it must really bother you if you want to send pix’s. no…I bored with this, Im over it. Have fun here. It was fun and really, I don’t care enough to really mean all that I said anyways. It was fun. I hope you all have a great holiday (I really mean it) xox peace-out

December 1, 2005

Do I detect the lemon-fresh smell of pwnage?

December 1, 2005

I just found your diary and love it!

December 1, 2005

I <3 you.

December 1, 2005

can’t. stop. laughing. ohh.

December 1, 2005

The best part of your little diary here is after everyone stops responding to your obvious baiting with a defensive reaction and let’s your little nerdy friends fill your diary note page with “omg how cool” ten thousand times, you’ll realize you have have no one left to attack because no one took the bait and then you’ll have nothing to write about it because that is all there is to you, you just

December 1, 2005

attack people who have lots of friends on open diary and that ensures you lots of notes and attention, in theory. By the way, attacking so many people at once in this entry, was overkill. You just may as well have said, “give me as many hate notes as possible.” It’s rather sad. I would feel sorry for you but you seem too mean for sympathy so enjoy your attention from the low brow types who think

December 1, 2005

putting down is the best form of humor. You know the ones who snort root beer out of their noses when peg bundy calls al bundy a name and he puts his hand down his pants and they cue the laugh track so the rednecks will piss themselves laughing. Yeah, those people.

December 1, 2005

i’m still waiting for those pictures of jill… i hate being in love with an online girl who is married… i get NO PLAY… sheesh. -MaD

December 2, 2005

Please dont ever hate me! i reneg (sp?) all teenage angst!

December 2, 2005

After you read the DM’s latest entry, bet me a buck that he means you. See ya. Feel free to come by, from a new diary, after you are gone. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.

December 2, 2005

Pfft. Kat and Pilgrim couldn’t be more off. He was talking about the Craps Cup diary. The only people who give a shit about your diary are the five or six ones you slammed in this entry. Five or six emails to the DM won’t make a difference. The hundreds upon hundreds he got regarding the Craps Cup DID.

Man, poor HDS. DM passed over you AGAIN! Have you ever been deleted?O_o

December 2, 2005
December 3, 2005

Awww, so you deleted my note? When you realised your juvenile ravings fell on deaf ears? Bless. I have to point out though that you have clearly not read any of these diaries, including mine. I have this past week and bascially, your rantings are just like the premature ejacualtions you suffer with. As for maths, Id love to show you my Mensa cerificate that proves I have an IQ of 171.

December 6, 2005

Love right back at ya babe. Hospitals suck and I need a joint but morphine will do I guess! XOXOXO,

ShadowFag likes to takes it in the ass from horses. He craves the horse cock.

The little Denver ShadowFag still has me blocked! Ha ha!

“Don’t worry. I doubt it was a hack attack from another diarist — if it was, they probably would have defaced the diary or deleted the whole thing, and I know the DM had nothing to do with it intentionally. Chances are, he was trying to compact the database and frakked my diary by mistake.” No, that’s…totally not what I meant. Nevermind.

I’m going to note on older entries, because I don’t want people to see my notes. Um…yeah. Don’t question my motives. I don’t. Anyway, yes, I was talking about being rated. Your very eloquent, but I’d hate to have that eloquence turned on me, ’cause you can insult like a motherfucker.

August 26, 2006

Praise the good lord above. Don’t quote me on this, I’m not christian. I utterly dispise diarists who have tons of htmal and who constantly have some other htmal shit on their cover page to slow everyones computer down. The one with the little mermaid or whatever on it was so horrible it made me want to throw up. Not that my diary is anymore interesting than the rest of these, but at least my pa

August 26, 2006

i give everyone a break by not putting useless banter on my cover page. Right to the point. Brilliant. Brilliant diary and I’m lovin it all.