The REAL Letter by the Diary Master

Mon, 13 Sep 2004 02:24:30 -0400

“MaDBaLL” <>

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To:"Chris O." <>
Subject:FWD: The Real Letter By The Diary Master

people, the OD site was hit by a hacker… this is the REAL letter he
didn’t want you to see…

Dear OD Members

On Saturday, September 11th, just before 12 noon EST, Open Diary was
hit by a hacker attack targeting our servers. During this attack, some
files were erased or corrupted, and we are working today to restore those
The strange thing is, the hacker only went after the people who didn’t
purchase Open Diary Plus. It seems he or she only deleted the free

We do have backups of the data which are safe and complete, but using
them would require losing the last couple days’ data on the system – It
would not be worth it to us to restore these diaries if you aren’t a
paying customer. Currently, we are working to restore the most up-to-date
data, and hope to have the site live again some time Sunday evening or
night. Honestly, though, it doesn’t look good, folks.

I do have an option for you people. If you purchase a diary at $69.99 a
month, I am almost certain I can restore your diary completely. You
might have noticed the cost of Open Diary Plus has risen by 125% in just
two days, but you have to believe me, this was by COINCIDENCE. I was
planning on raising the price of Open Diary Plus on September 11th to
$69.99 anyway. It just happened to be on the same day the hacker destroyed
your diary.

I understand that some of you cannot afford saving your diary at this
price, although $69.99 seems pretty reasonable to me, so I have one last
offer for you before I decide you are wasting my time. I can give you
PARTIAL RESTORATION of your diary if you purchase a tin of
holiday-frosted Jelly Belly brand jelly beans. For every $14 tin you buy, I will
restore ONE PAGE of your diary. Think about it, friends. Not only can you
have random portions of your diary back that, but you can also have
three tons worth of delicious candies that will last you until next
September 11th! I find this to be a very reasonable offer, and you’d have to
be nuts to turn this down.

If you decide you don’t want the beans or the pay diary, then I guess
those four years of writing your inner most thoughts will disappear in
one click of a mouse. That is a choice that is entirely up to you to
make. I cannot force you to buy jelly beans. I mean, if bombarding you
with 15 pop-up ads every five seconds for yummy merchandise, or setting up
a phony hacker attack every few months doesn’t change your
stubbornness, then I don’t know what else will.

As for the folks who have been loyal paying customers of Open Diary
Plus, just be warned that I withdrew the $69.99 from your credit card or
checking account at exactly 12 noon EST on September 11th. Those who did
not have the money in their accounts will get a $25.00 late fee tacked
on. You will also be sent a tin of Jelly Belly brand jelly beans that
you will have 10 days to return before you are charged for them.

Oh, and don’t forget that September is maintenance month, so the pay
site will be down all month while I’m on vacation. We will see you on
October 1st!

P.S. Open Diary Mistress says “Hi!”

Thanks for your patience,

The DiaryMaster

BONG. Case in point: LJ doesn’t have server outages and hack-attacks. This might be because they have responsible coding, and don’t let scumbags into their site. And the DM, after acting like a pompous ass and ignoring valuable advice from people who know more than he does sits around with this thumb in his ass and asks “who would/could do such a thing?” My response: Anyone who is smarter than you and hates your guts. Unfortunately for the suits at the Bureau, I don’t think that narrows the range of suspects at all.

-His Divine Shadow

P.S. Don’t cry for me, people. My diary took a hit, but I saved everything worth saving. If you sent me a note in the past week though, I probably don’t have it anymore. Send it again. Or go to hell – I probably won’t be back here for a while.

Log in to write a note

You know? i actually agree with that LOL oh well OD sucks, no big loss

September 14, 2004

it really was bad that this happened. I would think better measures would be taken, but what do I know? haha….nice play on the entry. Unfortunately, I AM a paying customer…makes me wonder if I should reconsider that point…

Iiiiiii love you Megatron…do not leaveth me.

September 14, 2004

*sighs* I’d give the dood a break on this current issue, but since he does ignore advice from people who know more about the site than him I sadly have no pity for him and have washed my hands on attempting to convince him of fixing the security holes. I just people have to learn the hard way and this way is hard for the whole community.

September 14, 2004

haha, i totally posted this email this morning too. it made me laugh until milk came out of my nose. and i wasnt even drinking milk!?!!?!

September 14, 2004

Live Journal is a great place for you to go. Don’t let that proverbial door smack you on your head.

September 14, 2004

some of my entries are missing. I’m sad. some of the paid members have taken hits as well. I don’t like these evil hackers. I’m going to hunt them down and make them return my missing notes

Oh my god! That Bruce is such a bastard!

September 14, 2004

Well PHP is more secure than ASP for the fact its uses simpler code to acheive the same thing, less code means less security errors to find. If a security hole is found PHP community releases a security patch almost immediatly, while ASP patch would be….go by M$ update policy of once per month. Just hopefully he will change will truly benefit OD if he did, but its his site so his descision. *hopes he makes the right one* Regards,

LJ is a pretty good place! And plus, even when you DO want to pay for it, it is cheaper than OD.

September 14, 2004

Also it has a lot to do with the OS used, using a Windows server is just asking to be hacked, while UNIX/Linux is more secure with patchs being released within 24 hours, while Windows servers patchs (which are a lot) take so long, leaving the server open to attack. Also the fact he is still using IIS 5.0 doesnt help the situation, IIS 6.0 is known to be very secure compared to 5.0, but both compared to Apache and Linux are pathetic.

September 14, 2004

The reason he told me he doesnt want to switch is because he is trained in NT and ASP. But Apache has ASP support so he can run ASP pages securely as for being trained in NT, no need for training have an admin do it for him. The ammount of money he is wasting on securing an NT box will well pay for an admin to setup a nice fast secure *nix box for him, but once again its all up to him. *sighs* makes me kinda sad seeing OD fall apart like this.

*chortle* In reply to your notes: IÂ’ve written an entry dedicated to your question, though I did change a few things just so I could wrap my head about the damn question. I hope I didnÂ’t corrupt the question or mess with its intended purpose.

LMAO…. 🙂

September 14, 2004

*waves at you from the edge of the crowd* Love

September 14, 2004

This would make sense if the OD+ diaries didn’t have 0 entries in them right now. Right now FOD has been restored, but OD+ entries are as empty as an Irish pint… Later,

god damn hackers and spamers they can all die….by the way THE WITCH MUST DIE

Is this for real?!?! (raises eyebrow) $69.99???

This is not true. I am an OD+ member and my entire diary is gone. Check your facts before posting entries like this. And if it was meant to be funny, it isn’t.

September 14, 2004

Just so you know, I pay, and I my diary got hit. In fact it was in the group that got hit all the way back to june. It sucks.

September 15, 2004

All those hate notes I sent you- gone, i guess i’ll have to start from scratch…….!!!

September 15, 2004

“This would make sense if the OD+ diaries didn’t have 0 entries in them right now. Right now FOD has been restored, but OD+ entries are as empty as an Irish pint…”Later, [Peter_24601] FOD? Where has this person been? Its sad people are so unaware of what goes on at OD they still think FOD exists lol, *slaps Peter* biiootch!

How is it that you are getting hate notes about THIS? I bet you could write something like, “my mom died today.:(” and people would be all like, “omg stfu! you probably killed her!!!!1111”

damn kitty mama sure doesn’t have a sense of humor… (shrugs)…. Oh well.. Have HDS… i’ll miss your entries 😀

September 15, 2004

BLAH BLAH BLAH. If you don’t like it – leave. Please.

September 15, 2004

Actually, the FOD’s diaries for the most part were saved. The authors with the “c” code created for the Open Diary Plus members had their entire diaries lost, like mine.

September 15, 2004

I love it. I use this and xanga and I’m glad I made Xanga my primary one now. It’s never down and we never have hackers. It’s ahead of OD in so many ways, but lacking in others so oh well.

hahaha, i am so done with the site. the only thing i’ll miss is you. <3 i’ve been reading your diary for a while now, i just hardly ever note. you’ll be finding me over with the rest of the gang at livejournal. *sighs*

September 15, 2004

(looks up at Kitty Momma’s note) Don’t got a sense of humor, huh? Anyway, this was funny….Muah!

You’re such a bumhead. =[ Muah. – A.

[Kitty Momma] can eat the corn outta my shit.

Aww, come on, I’m sure the DM is working as hard as he can. This entry did make me laugh, tho. 🙂 Your vicious words never fail to ring true in the end.

September 16, 2004

that shit is funny. BONG!!!!!!!!! STick it to the man.

September 16, 2004

Do me a personal favor… tell this girl how you feel about that entry…

Well, I for one am outta here. Eat shit and die OD!!! AND THATS SWEARING!!!!! Thank you for bringing this to my attention Divine Shadow.

September 16, 2004

Damn HDS give him a break, what would you do if you lost 70 gigs of data when your whole database is deleted. I stick by his side, except for the part where he uses M$ shit…damn damn M$!!!

dude.. wtf? you clearly give me credit at the top of this entry and the girls still giggle at you like you made this entry up???? WTF is up with the numbskulls???

September 16, 2004

Chris! Call me! We haven’t talked in forever and I don’t have your number due to technical difficulties on my cellphone (I dropped it). What can I say, I’m a klutz! Actually, I think I was drunk…I don’t remember anymore…*gigglefits*

September 17, 2004

LMAO @ “I think you using the word “sooky” makes it really hard to take you seriously” soooooooooo true

September 17, 2004

I have a subscription and I lost a couple months of entries. Several of my faves lost everything & they have paid subs too.

This is more like a student group than a fraternity, though they do refer to it as such. Perhaps on other campuses it’s run like an actual fraternity, but this is far from a party school. Still, I thought it’d be more amusing to not explain that in the entry. I really thought people would have a field day because it doesn’t take a genius to see that that’s not me.

September 17, 2004

This is funny, but unfortunately the Paid OD diaries got hit the hardest. Cute entry though. So when can I expect my Jelly Bellies?

September 17, 2004

Are you a part time dead assasin, or am I confusing you with someone else? Because if you are someone else, you two are alot alike…and have the same first name… Hm….

You. Freaking. Rawk.

September 17, 2004

That actually makes sense in some bizarre manner. Kind of silly to ask for donations and be more concerned about getting money, than to be working on restoring and repair. As long as I can get my notes and entries back, the hackers can become president for all I care. M%™

September 17, 2004

I don’t think so…lost mine and I paid. The hacker was an equal opportuntist. Buck up non-paying OD’ers…It/they hacked all us.

In reply to your note: Nope.

My diary is paid for and I got hit too. And give the old man a break will ya? He’s doing what he can.

I never thought about it that way

September 18, 2004

Today, I find this funny. Earlier in the week, maybe not – but today it made me (almost) laugh.

September 18, 2004

Looks like you’ve got a babysitter JB

September 18, 2004

His name is Bruce?


IN reply to your note: Would I be stuck in the time I chose?

oh man…. opendiary bruce thinks i’m funny… maybe he won’t delete this diary!!!

September 19, 2004

RYN: Jesus came here with a sword to break the barrier of sin that keeps us from peace..He fought the sin by dying & shedding His blood- which gives us a way to find peace & eternal life in Heaven… have a great day!

Wow, that note makes Jesus sound like an ill numba one killa! Cuttin’ up sinners and shit. . .Awesome. That converted me!

September 19, 2004

RYN: yes I read the bible. Have you? Either way, I’m praying for you. And for the other noter-no Jesus didn’t kill. It’s all symbolically speaking. He was perfect-the only perfect being & He was crucified for our sins so that we may be forgiven & given we accept Him as our personal Lord & Savior- we can recieve eternal life in Heaven.

suck suck

September 20, 2004

So we DO agree on something: Donnie Darko IS the best movie ever.

Ryn: of course this was the song. I heart it.

Ryn: What is this <3s thing? The boys are 9 and 4.

September 21, 2004

Thanks for the note….I don’t think you’ll be aborted though….but I like the “smart ass quality” of that remark 🙂

September 21, 2004

Thanks for the Grammer lesson….. You really crack me up 🙂

September 21, 2004

What’s your Yahoo messenger screenname??

It was odd for me. I deleted my diary the day before Sept. 11 and because of the hacker attack thingy, my diary was restored… I just thought that was interesting. Oh, and RYN, God DOES forgive all sins, unless you commit suicide… But there isn’t a sin out there that is too big for God’s grace. Ok. Have a cool day, and love in christ.

Well, according to those verses, I guess I AM wrong. But maybe if you think about it, blesphaming against the spirit is denying God’s power. Already, it is established in the bible that if you don’t believe in God or turn to him, he can’t forgive you. Oh, and I explored around and I noticed that you tell fellow christians to know what they’re talking about when they preach. I mean, sure we do

have to know what we’re talking about and sometimes we misinterpert the bible. But just because of that, you shouldn’t be so sketpcic. Numerous parts in the bible warns us of not putting anybody down, especially through words. Be encouraging, mate, because some time later, maybe you will mess up too. You wisdom and your knowledge of the bible is not perfect. And discussing the bible is one of the

privileges God has given us. We learn more about God through the bible and especially by discussing it with other people. Because they can see in the bible what you can’t see some times. Please, have a more positive and open mind. Ok. I’m done. And by the way, judging by your diary, I think you’re a really smart fellow. And cool in some ways, lol. I admit I was wrong and so you have a good day.

September 24, 2004

That was funny. -Vær

October 2, 2004

*dies* too funny

October 15, 2004

OMG Thats the funniest thing

October 23, 2004

livejournal DOESN’T “let scumbags into their site” ?! holy schamoly, man, have you checked out some of the communities on that site? it’s not like they run a background check or go to any more effort than OD does, especially since you don’t even need a “code” to join anymore. not to mention I’M on there and i like to think of myself as a scumbag. come on.

Almost a month and a half later and this letter is still hilarious! Thanks again.

October 25, 2004

unfortunately, even people who PAID for OD plus still lost diary entries. So get over it.

November 28, 2008

RYN: It should be equally awesome. 🙂 P.S. You need a new entry.