The Moron of the Year 2005 *edit*

If finding the best diaries ever on OpenDiary could be considered a Herculean task, finding the worst would be a challenge worthy only of the Gods themselves. Coincidently, the problem here is that there are too many crappy diaries to choose from. It’s almost as if people on this site are trying on purpose to piss me off out of spite with their boring-ass entries and tacky HTML "skillz" and layouts, and poetry and other such nonsense that make me wonder if the Unabomber didn’t have the right idea all along.

Going through all the candidates for this entry stopped short of giving me high blood pressure permaneantly, but I had to stop when I fell upon this little gem. Not only does this diary suck, but the diarist herself happens to express the worst possible combination of personality defects I have ever seen in a woman EVER. I didn’t think it was possible for a chick to be a bigger bitch than this, but this entry is a testament to how very wrong I was. Without further ado, I give you the Moron of The Month 2005:

A Blow By Blow Account

I don’t think I could have found a better candidate if I searched for a thousand years. I don’t know what is more ironic, the fact that this dumb bitch writes hate notes to a diarist and then complains when that same person retaliates, or the fact that she feels the need to brag about her literary/financial accomplishments to sound intellectual, but does so in rainbow coloured text in an entry with tacky images, a shitty background, and embedded pop music videos. After all, nothing spells class like animated Disney graphics and personality test results, right?

If good taste were a church, this entry would be the plane that crashed into it.
The only thing more distasteful about this diarist than her complete lack of class and manners is her arrogant and insulting attempt to present herself as being better than everyone else around her. This British chick is completely stuck up, even by European standards. So you make £23,000 a year, took English and Psychology classes, can speak four languages, and have your own house? Guess what, dumbass:

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Do you really think you will get any respect from anybody just because you have a psychology degree (something that tens of thousands of people who aren’t you have anyway) or because you own a house? What the hell is that supposed to mean anyway? I guess you think that people who don’t own their own home at 21 and/or aren’t multi-lingual are white trash, right? This isn’t the most brazen attempt at self-flattery I’ve ever come across on OD, but it is by far the most insulting.

And as if that wasn’t enough pretentious bullshit to convince me that you are "sophisticated", you have to quote Shakespeare in your diary to prove you aren’t a blonde airhead. Do you think you can convince me that you aren’t a braindead bimbo just because you’ve red Shakespeare? Big deal, all that proves is that you can read. Congratulations [GivesHead], you are literate. Although that is more than can be said for a lot of OpenDiarists, it shure as hell doesn’t make you any less of a condescending piece of shit. Besides, I’ve read enough of your entries to prove that sophisticated is the last thing you are. Entries like the following prove it:

" Yeah I know how to party!!!
Thanks for all the great notes re: my supreme drunkeness! (Sorry Seedy!!!)
Why did I think you’d all find me pathetic rather than inspiring?"

"GO CHELLE!!!!! Awoohooooo!"

"Until Friday. He wanted to borrow our super awesome wax printer to print some ‘Wanker R Us’ brochures. He emailed me to ask and to avoid getting into a dialogue I printed them out and shoved them under his office door."

"Guess What?!?!
Yay for me! Yay for everybody! Yaaaaayyyyyyy!
I have searched HIGH and LOW for the music video to Lady Marmalade form Moulin Rouge to accompany this entry. But can I find the f*cking thing? Well, yes actually… Did any of the codes work? NO!
Never mind eh. We can still have a rip roaring Moulin Rouge time without them!
*Sniffles* But I WANTED them!
It’s just not right without them! Let’s have some cancan instead…&quo

So far, nothing you have done or said impresses me; the only enviable trait you have was your ability to block me from your diary. I wish I had the ability to block your bullshit from being seen by the rest of the OpenDiary community.

Given your penchant for trying to look like you are hot shit on an online diary site, I am not surprised you are also writing insults to diarists who are more talented than you are, like MaDBaLL, the recent winner of Best Diary Ever. If there is one thing MaD has that you don’t, it is creativity. Each one of his entries is fresh, while your entries are the electronic equivalent of projectile diarrhea. There is NOTHING interesting about your diary, except for your incredible talent for making a entry unreadable with the overuse of HTML, bullshit cartoon graphics, and inline videos. Just because a markup tag exists doesn’t mean you should use it, asshole.

MaD on the other hand, doesn’t need fancy graphics to write entries that have a solid fan base. If YOU are offended by his diary, it is probably because you either don’t get it or because you are easily offended. And if his content really is so offensive, maybe you should stop reading it instead of returning to his diary and mine CONSTANTLY with lame comebacks like "Grow up." If you actually knew this guy in real life, you would know he has handled more responsibility in his life than your sorry 21-year-old ass ever has, and most likely, ever will. Maybe you should spend less time trying to impress people, stirring up your own drama on an internet diary site, and "Grow up" yourself, you immature little shit.

Bottom line, your diary sucks, your friends suck, and you suck, you boring, arrogant, elitist bitch. Don’t bother reporting me to the OD master, I have been reported more times than I can count and I am still here. Hell, if you check my note stream, you can see that the DM has even given me props on some of my entries. I plan on reporting you to him just for that vulgar username you’ve chosen and just to spite you. I doubt he will bother responding and do the OD community a favour by removing your shitty diary, but who knows – I might get lucky.

I’ve decided that because of the overwhelming response I’ve gotten to this entry in the few hours it has been up that I deserve TWO Best Diary Ever Awards. I rule so hard. It must be why so many readers have faithfully awaited my return.

-His Divine Shadow

P.S. Don’t blank out the vowels in the word "Wanker" like it is a curse. "W*nker" isn’t a swear word, it is a childish and cheap imitation of one. Have you ever seen someone blot out the vowels in "heck?" Probably not, since that would make the author look like a retarded son-of-a-bitch. Cut that shit out.

Log in to write a note
November 28, 2005

Oh, wow, this is mean. But I can’t defend anyone with rainbow text. Ever.

November 28, 2005

This is hilarious. Remind me not to piss you off, okay hon? 🙂

His Divine Stomach Acid? lol this was funny though. I’d love to hear what you have to say about the entire myspace universe

Oh, HFS. All about the drama! RYN: I am neeeever on AIM anymore. All that real-time chat makes me nervous! I’ve gone kind of Rainman, lately. Maybe I will send you a messenger pigeon with some choice quotations, though–just because I love you so much.:-D

Hahaha, I called you HFS. His fluffy shadow! Like your tree-hugging alter ego, or something.

November 28, 2005

*high fives* Thanks for putting this chick in her place. You forgot to mention that she also thinks she’s hot shit because she has 9758973458937456987346 friends who all stuck up for her and reported Mad. Ooooh, what a badass.

November 28, 2005

Ahahahahaha! This one is great. BTW-I changed my layout so you could see… not that I expect you to visit anytime soon… but if you do… 🙂

November 28, 2005

P.S. I can’t even get her full front page to load. Seriously. I think if I walked away and came back half an hour later, the 10,000 graphics and sparkly thingies and other assorted bullshit would finally appear. But then my computer would have probably keeled over dead from the strain of loading it all.

November 28, 2005

Ow Ow Did you see these pictures of her? If you had, you’d be more sympathetic. Of course she exaggerates and clings to her intelligence, she’s not getting anywhere on her physical appearance. JUST LOOK AT HER.

Why read someone if you don’t like them?

November 28, 2005

NOBODY CARES about YOU either! Stop this madness, she is a great person and such a sweetie! I’m reporting you…and btw all you people suck dick with stupidness!!!

Me nÂ’ my 200 peeps on my favÂ’s list r gonna report you!!!! don make fun of my dairy cuz its prettier then urs! i am eduacated in the html codes and have tons of friends online!!!

Seriously though, IÂ’ve never seen someone on Open Diary get served like this. Remind me never to piss off either you or Mad.

November 28, 2005

heeheehee *takes advil for rainbow induced headache*

RYN: I remember it very well! Everybody seriously thought you’d gone soft, which was hilarious. Like you could turn to the side of good, anyway. Pfft.;-P

ryn: You mean there’s more??? Keep fighting the good fight against html abusers. I’m tired of all these eye soars!

ryn: you are right, I do not know the history of this, or any of your side. I have only been reading her diary for a couple weeks, however I felt bad for the kid, she is really getting it bad around here, but like I told her, she should just stay away. I don’t know, I should butt out. The girl seems sweet to me, and I feel bad for her. Ok, butting out now.

November 28, 2005

*falls off the sofa laughing* Why waste the effort drawing attention to me? you really don’t have anything better to do, do you? Do you think this is going to bother me? I’m not trying to impress anyone, and I couldnt care less what you think. Oh, and the comments about my education and financial staus… Retaliations to lies written about me. I wasnt bragging. Merely pointing out the facts.

November 28, 2005

Now as I previously stated. You’re not important enough for me to worry about. So grow up. Please. If I want to style my diary with a rainbow I can. It’s MY diary. I don’t write it to please people, but somehow it does. Funny that. Don’t like it? Don’t read it. Who asked you anyway? Lianne Marie

November 28, 2005

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but none of those quotes from Head Giver were actually written by Shakespeare. They came from a “Create a Shakespearian Insult” webpage. It’s true. So, you can subtract the marginal intellect from the list “good” list.

November 28, 2005

oh man that poor girl is taking quite a beating around OD these days.

November 28, 2005

If you’re not important enough for her to worry about, why leave you multiple notes? 🙂 You should do a runner-up worst diary.

November 28, 2005

I have suggestions if you need them…

November 28, 2005

hmmmm… how exactly does one go about sucking dick “with stupidness”??? I want to learn that trick. By the way- YAY you for winning two awards. w00t!!!

And we all learned a valuable lesson.

November 28, 2005

*LOL* *swipes tears from my eyes* I love it. Between Chanel and GivesHead – I don’t know whose worse! =) They are attention freaks. Ho’s need attention to get paid, right? *gasps* She’s going to report you! Oh what will you do? Drama on OD is like Days of Our Lives via internet. *gigglefits* You rock HDS and you know this, man!

Well I couldn’t see a picture of you, so it made me scared to let you see one of me.

November 28, 2005

Why don’t people who don’t like nagative comments on their diaries go to Fav’s only? Now there’s something to think about…things that make you go HMMMMMM…

November 28, 2005

HA!! As someone else already pointed out: if she REALLY cared as little as she claims to, then she wouldn’t have left you notes. She wouldn’t even have bothered to read this entry. She’s just feeding the fire with her stupidity.

November 28, 2005

*cracks knuckles* Ok so I find it funny people are saying you gave the verbal beating of a lifetime.. are you kidding me? First your vulgar display of play ground antics are less then funny, they are not even cruel, they more are like roll your eyes I feel sorry for this guy because he likes he is starting something “devine”. You are an idiot. You make awards for people to think you are cool?

November 28, 2005

I have an award for you? Man most needed to kill himself…. I mean really the world is over populated. Get a clue and get a life. Perhaps if you didnt spend so much time writing this stupid entry you would have the time to do just that. Its online quit trying to think you are something special. You are lack luster at that!

November 28, 2005

Lianne is the greatest woman ever! if you actually had any cells in that empty head of yours you would realize that you are the moron here…not she. Do the world a favor and go jump off a cliff.

you know…you use several words to try to make yourself look high-and-mighty yourself…and mispell most of them. up yours, asshole.

November 28, 2005

I just can’t stop coming back here to read all the new notes. This is my Hot Page of the day. So according to someone who actually admits to liking MCR (which in itself proves that they can’t be taken seriously), you’re actually “devine”, not divine. Whoops. I guess seeing the correct spelling all over your diary must have slipped by them.

November 28, 2005

Wow, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say your stuff is pretty creative. But then I remember reading this exact same spiel from Maddox. Except he knows how to get it done. You are a sad imitation. The finger picture? Come on. That was done at least in 1997. But good job trying to be original. I mean, at least you tried, right?

Hahaha, Mr Roboto. You’ve made everyone on OD hate you again! The universe is balanced once more.

November 28, 2005

No, you tard. You use his same phrases. Not like I’m surprised, I know you can’t come up with this shit on your own. I don’t care if I’m the 500th moron to tell you that or the freaking first. You’re an idiot. I wish to some day be cool like you and copy putdowns so people will worship me. Seriously, it’s gonna be awesome and I’m making t-shirts.

alright, I added you. Feel free to check out all of my diary at will.

November 28, 2005


November 28, 2005

*sigh* i don’t know why you’ve suddenly felt the need to imitate that braindead idiot madball, cos you’re on my faves list, and your entries were damn funny. this, however, is not. why pick on lianne because she likes to write in sparkly rainbow letters about her life? at least she isn’t some sad immature w*nker writing abusive entries about about people she doesn’t even know. get a life.

Why do people even give a rats ass what other people do with their own diaries anyways? *walks away shaking head*

Ooops… someone turn off the life support… this guy is braindead. I re-iterate a plea… do us all a favour and jump off a cliff. Lianne is an amazing person and if you can’t see that then you truly are a moron. You can’t even be original about it either.

November 28, 2005

I love the way you’ve just copied … Genius. Maybe you should win Plagiarism of the Year 2005. Congratulations.

November 29, 2005

It’s really depressing that you have to insult other people to try to get attention for yourself and in hopes that other people will think you’re cool especially in a place as insignificant as the internet where popularity hardly matters. You are a very sad little person. It is ironic though that Giveshead is popular for being nice and you’re just getting attention for being mean to her. sad.

November 29, 2005

It really is a shame that you have nothing to get attention for except showing people how mean you can be to other od members and to people who you run into in your sad sack of a life. I guess that is the sum of your writing talents and ablities. I guess people should be impressed then? lol. whatever.

November 29, 2005

Oh DEAR LORD, when will this childishness stop? Im sick of all this pathetic school-level b*tching about other people’s diaries, its endemic on OD now and really fecking boring. If you dont like her diary, just dont read it. There is no divine being making you click on her latest entry. After all, I will no longer read Madball’s diary because it doesnt interest me. This isnt a note defending

November 29, 2005

Lianne as such, because she doesnt need a defense for her diary. It is her right to put as much rainbow text on her diary and talk about her achievements as she wants. She has achieved a lot in her life and she has every right to brag about herself as much as she wants, just as you brag about yourself saying you have the best diary ever. I dont agree with that, but it’s your right to do so.

November 29, 2005

And Lianne doesnt think people who dont own their own home are white trash, because she speaks to me and Im still at home. She speaks to such a wide variation of people on here and what makes me laugh is if it wasnt for Madball’s little escapade, I bet if you had found her diary on random and ignored your rainbow-text-prejudice, you most probably would have been intrigued and may have even found

November 29, 2005

yourself enjoying some of her entries. And vice versa. So let’s ALL (not just you) but ALL grow up now and stop this because it is so juvenile and seriously, what is the point of it? Not much to be honest. And you can leave me another mature note if you want calling me an idiot (not really seeing as Im going to qualify as a Doctor in 19 months) for these notes Ive left. Ive had my say. End of.

November 29, 2005

You seem like a MadBall wanna be to me. Except he’s creative and your an ass!!

November 29, 2005

I was reluctant to join in this debate, I don’t think I can add more than has already been said but I do despair when I am witness to such unecessary hostility, there is already so much hatred and discrimation in this world, can people not feel free to write down their thoughts without fear of abuse? It’s really rather sad.

well shit. i followed the drama and struck gold. i have to be honest and say you’re an asshole. but i mean that in the politest sense of the word, really. because i almost pissed myself reading this. i will have to return to read the sorry, “you suck” notes. oooh how i love the drama of an entry war…

I’m with Stillwaiting!

November 29, 2005

I love the noter who left you that note critisizing your spelling – and proceeded to fuck up the word “misspell”. How embarassing. LOL I don’t care about any of this but the notes are hysterical.

November 29, 2005

Taking over my job darling? You always were such an ass. You’re such a cute ass though 🙂 Love love Sara

do you have nothing better to do? xx

November 29, 2005

(laughs) i can’t say i disagree with you hds,apart from the wanker issue, as i am quite fond of it as a cuss word.;)

November 29, 2005

See, I TOLD you she had 987235973495873947564976 friends. What an impressive posse! Too bad there’s not an original thought amongst them. The funniest part of all of this, I think, is the fact that they’re all, “Oooh, Lianne has every right to write in rainbow colors about boring shit and you’re an asshole for not liking it!” Well,in that case, YOU have every right to write about how you don’t

November 29, 2005

like her diary. Freedom of speech goes both ways, fucktwats. Similarly, couldn’t they ALSO be considered assholes who are wasting their time because they’re disagreeing with YOUR diary? Oh, how I love hypocrisy!

November 29, 2005

U really are a hostile brat arent you? As far as Im concerned u can shove my ‘essay’ up your ass, though u obviously did read some of it otherwise you wouldnt have noted me. I left some valid points to the debate and kept them civilised which is more than what u did in your notes to me. What makes me laugh is that you write a hate entry about ppl who write hate notes, which makes u just as bad.

November 29, 2005

Ok that is it… gypsyincarnate Nobody rang your f(_)ck|ng bell b|tch. Its funny you talk all bad but hide behind “favorites only” Yeah sure trash talk MCR do what you must because don’t get mad at me because I like who I like. I am sorry that I cant listen to gay ass music like you and jam out to Robbie Williams and the spice girl You are a b|tch.. you want to go… we will go C(_)nt

November 29, 2005

This isn’t a hate mail note, and I don’t want to get into an argument, but this really is a touch harsh. I’ve known Lianne for years in the ‘real world’ and she really is a great person. Her diary is just that, a diary, and so is not specifically meant to be entertaining, but is purely a venting techinique that other people are able to participate in, which is why she gets so vexed when people…

November 29, 2005

attack her for it. Also, she only mentions her lifes successes because she is proud of them, not as a ‘rub-peoples-face-in-it’ technique. I’m practically bankrupt and own very little but she still befriended me without pretence. And as for the HTML and sparkly pictures, she just puts on what she likes- she isn’t aiming for sophistication. Basically, this is all unnecessary. On both quarters.

November 29, 2005

I’m not talking trash on anybody but Lianne here. I just don’t care for MCR. What’s it to ya? I’m not going to start a fight on somebody else’s diary just because you’ve got PMS and I dissed your favorite band. Boo fu<Kcking hoo. Go cry to somebody else. P.S. Even if I WASN’T Faves Only, I’d still have made the same comment. I’ve got no reason to hide. Not from YOU at least.

November 29, 2005

P.P.S. It’s spelled CUNT. CUNT CUNT CUNT. Same goes for FUCK. Fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck. Just thought you should know that, in case you’re still all pissy and want to leave more notes featuring censored expletives. They won’t be answered by me, but go ahead. I’m sure HDS is lovin’ this.

November 29, 2005

I keep coming back for the notes. I am seriously weak from laughter at the spelling errors alone. Oh how I love OD drama.

November 29, 2005

I used to read you and we were friends. Of course you are entitled to your opinion and you know I used to adore your diary. for some reason we drifted apart, but do you really think rape should be legalized? Because Madball is for that and i’m sorry but that is disgusting. I would hate to think that someone I used to be friends with would think that way……:( aren

November 29, 2005

Oooh, so there’s someone who likes to talk about what happens in her life? BLOODY HELL! It ain’t called Open Diary for nothing, you complete fool! So what if she uses rainbow coloured text? If it offends you so badly, don’t read it. God’s sake.

Hah. Couldn’t have predicted that answer. Well, the gist of that answer, not necessarily the volcano.

November 30, 2005

Oh my God! Are there actually people who don’t understand what Madball is doing? It may not be my kind of humor, but you have to be really fucking retarded not to know he is not serious…

November 30, 2005

Did anyone else notice your new diary title? This chick is pwned! She should get on her knees and beg your forgiveness.

November 30, 2005

wow… these people do know that they will be dead before the next century hits, right? I refuse to read the notes, because something tells me I already know what they say.

maybe she just doesn’t appreciate being slagged off for no apparant reason by someone who doesn’t even know her. this site means a lot to some people, it’s a release, a way of letting out your emotions and feelings without the fear of being ridiculed for them, and what you’re doing isn’t helping that. xx

November 30, 2005

i dont exactly know you but im wondering if you can do me a favor and change your noting thing to private also..thanks

what did she do to deserve this then? please enlighten me. xx

November 30, 2005

since you hide behind faves GYPSYINCARNATE here’s a little ditty about you…you are a fat, obese, ugly fuktwat. Its pure jealousy, that is why you hate cool pretty girls like Lianne and I. Go back to your double-wide and STFU. bubb byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

November 30, 2005

I just want to leave a humble “My Nigga” here, in an effort to promote love and understanding. My Nigga. Oh, damn, that didn’t work.

November 30, 2005

LOL. Her posse tore you a new one. Maybe go back to your hole.

December 2, 2005

Ahahaha. awesome. people are far too self indulgent. she got served. (woah excuse that lame ass cliche just then) wicked.

December 4, 2005

i hurt my eyes looking at her diary. yuck. damn you, you little fucker.

Funny shit, even if my diary is probably no better than hers.

January 7, 2006

i can’t believe i didn’t read you before. this was very entertaining, if for no other reason than the hate notes.