The Longest Hate Note in Existance

"What a weirdo you are. Seriously who does that? I read a few of your entries out of curiosity and was apalled by the one about liannemary who is my first favourite. Small world!! I started reading her cos 5 of her entries are on readers choice and I can see why. i think your pathetic and dont know why you bother having this diary. Abuse me too for all i care, i dont know if im sticking around yet
I dont pretend to be the smartest person in the world, my dyslexia is nothing to be ashamed of. i am learning poetry to try and improve my literacy. I was amazed by your attack on Lianne. Shes not disgusting. Did you ever speak to her? Do you know how much she’s been though and how kind and loving she is? And how much people on OD love her? Look at her entries and how many notes she gets.
In 53 entries you havent even cleared 2000 notes and she has nearly 6000. That many people cant be wrong.
Yore diary is bitter and spiteful. She is positive and brings joy to probably 70 different favourtes.
Yore attack on her was pathetic. I dont know who the madbell person was because his diary was deleted. I hope youre next
Its not a joke. she is on of the most intelligent and thoughtful people i have ever come across. I feel very sorry for you if you can’t appreciate a beautiful, funny woman with a gud atittute for life. What do you think youre diary is compared to her’s? I spoke to here on msn and she blew me away, i’ve not laughd as much in all my life and she was really nice to me about my poetry ambitons
Ill not you whatever I want to note you. I dont care if Lianne gets mad becos I have nothing to do with thi. Just like you noted her after a note she left on madbells diary and abused her even through she had never spoken to you befor.
You are pathetic and bitter. She has achieved a lot and is happy. That dosnt make her arragant. She comes from a good family which is important to british people. [as opposed to people of other ethnic and national backgrounds, who don’t give a damn about family]
you mistake her upper class upbringing for arraganse. And her diary is just that, a diary. She has fun with it. do you now what fun it? fun is having a silly diary name even though she is classy and not promiscuous. fun is making friends and en joying life. you are pathetic.

If you didn’t read that entire entry, I don’t blame you. Reading this entire series of notes was an uphill struggle against a boredom induced coma, which is too bad since it could all be said so much better in one sentence "I am here to kiss [GivesHead]‘s ass and to tell you that you suck. You suck." This could have all been said and done without the annoying hero worship and bad spelling. By the way, I know that "dyslexia is nothing to be ashamed of" but does dyslexia prevent the use of a spellchecker? Or the ability to hold down a SHIFT KEY? Or did you just pull that excuse out of your ass so I would overlook your carelessness?

I am sick of these bitches from [GivesHead]‘s diary always talking smack. It’s almost like they think I actually regard their opinions as anything more than amusement fodder. The only thing I hate more is how much they suck her dick on my diary CONSTANTLY. Notes like "Do you know how much she’s been though and how kind and loving she is? And how much people on OD love her?" really give me the creeps. I mean really:

"she is on of the most intelligent and thoughtful people i have ever come across. I feel very sorry for you if you can’t appreciate a beautiful, funny woman with a gud atittute for life. What do you think youre diary is compared to her’s? I spoke to here on msn and she blew me away, i’ve not laughd as much in all my life and she was really nice to me about my poetry ambitons"

When I meet someone really cool on OpenDiary, I’ll give them their proper respect, but I don’t send notes/entries like this. Mostly because I AM NOT INSANE. This person doesn’t sound like she’s talking about a good friend, but she does sound like an obsessed fanatic. I am glad these people are my enemies and not my friends. I like praise as much as the next guy, but this is borderline electronic fellatio. These are the same kinds of people who I would expect to drink poisoned kool-aid to shed their human containers to follow a comet if someone asked them to. Maybe you assholes should stop licking [GivesHead]‘s balls for a minute and grow a pair of your own.

By the way, "She has achieved a lot and is happy. That dosnt make her arragant. She comes from a good family which is important to british people. you mistake her upper class upbringing for arraganse." There is no mistake about it, Mushroom head. I know people who have pretty top-shelf upbringing and they do NOT behave like [GivesHead], at least not the ones who have class. High-ups teach their kids to show HUMILITY, especially the women. I know people who have accomplished way more than [GivesHead]‘s mediocre achievements and don’t brag half as much as she does. The only thing I can think of that is more pathetic than trying to imitate the upper-class attitude is failing at it.

As far as the assertion that I am a loser because I only have 2000 notes, WHO CARES? I’d rather have two HUNDRED notes from people I respect than 6000+ from people who don’t respect themselves and idolize only the most contemptible of characters. At least I don’t have to befriend people I feel sorry for with low self-esteem on the internet to get my own ego trip in the form of thousands of notes, like some people do. Oh, and speaking of which, this is an open letter to the idiot who sent me her "apoulougy:"

"It’s no secret that I think you’re a horses asshole, but out of courtesy I would just like to state that that Mushrum is no friend of mine and I have not influenced him in any way.

He found you on his own, and ignored my request to get over it and leave you alone.

I will even apologise for the attack he made on you even tho, in his own illiterate way, he was entirely correct."

Maybe its time you learned a fifth language [GivesHead], the language of shutting the hell up.
Was anyone TALKING TO YOU??? No. Why would I care who sent your dumbass worshippers? Like they need YOUR permission to say whatever the hell they want to another person. Your arrogance and conceit never stops. Nobody needs your pompous apologies that are crafted to make you sound like a saint, either, so take your "courtesy" and shove it. Maybe you should spend less time giving head and more time getting one that stays out of other people’s business.

Oh yeah, and great job claiming that a series of notes that is pretty much non-stop ass kissing is "entirely correct." You’ve completely dispelled the impression I had of you as a shameless, big-headed braggart and egotistical bitch. And by dispelled, I really mean re-emphasized. You make me sick. In short, take your attention-seeking ass somewhere that wants you.


Me too. You can stick them up your arse.
She bloked me from her diary because of you. The one decent personn I have met on this website. The one decent women I think I have ever spoken to. And she bloked me because you disgusted me and I think it freaked her out.

I hate you. She was going to read my poetrey

I just got this note today. She didn’t block you because I disgusted you and it freaked her out, dumbass Mushroom Head. She blocked you because you are a fucking moron who was freaking out period. Don’t put the rap on me for your own mental instability. I’ll bet the next thing you will do is blame me for the fact that you can’t spell worth shit, even though I wasn’t the one who dropped you on your head as a kid. Eat shit already, asshole. My only regret through this whole thing is that I probably did her a favour by preventing her from reading your crappy ass poetry. Which reminds me, don’t use the word "arse" in a hate note to me. Ever. Not unless you are trying to sound like a pussy.

-His Divine Shadow

Log in to write a note

i looked at this one, i dont know how you do it man, that stuff is so draining to me of course you are right lol, its just draining

There were so many mistakes in his/her notes to you that you didn’t even catch them all. ‘Arraganse’ is still my favorite. Maybe we SHOULD spell it like that, haha.

This was funny in the beginning, but then it got tiresome. Poor you.

Oh, and I just assumed he was a guy ’cause he said something about Lianne being the only “decent woman” he ever met, and it seems to me that misogynists like that are generally pretty efeminate themselves. I mean, except for you.:-D

January 5, 2006

I’m sure you know already, but this is one time it definitely needs to be reiterated that you win. Thanks for not licking sweaty scrotums.

January 5, 2006

Hew Yeah! Tell it like it is my friend!

God your obsessed with her. You keep writing entrys about her. Dont you have a live of your own?

January 5, 2006

What a funny entry to find on random. “Favourite” is spelt right, though… He sort of sounds like a stalker, however :-s Donna –

January 6, 2006

Haha. I like you.

January 6, 2006

Goodness you do enjoy taking things out of context! I meant that he was right about you, not me. He doesn’t even know me, and he’s clearly deranged. Not that I suppose you care. Oh and the last time I looked we abolished the class system and are all equal. But I suppose you have to have something to ‘back up’ calling me arrogant instead of confident don’t you?

IÂ’m a very calm and reserved person, so I generally avoid the clique of peppy diarists with the seizure causing, html clusterf*ck diaries.

January 6, 2006

he sounds like he’s crying in that last note. some people cannot see further than a mere website. i do write in here a lot and i have made friends but i also have friends outside of this. what a weirdo. oh, and before I forget… ARSE

January 6, 2006

You guys have too much time on your hands.

January 6, 2006

My god, I can’t stand that chick’s diary. It’s like colorful .gif vomit over the ENTIRE thing. Anyone with the name “GivesHead” is to be shunned anyway…you know nothing intelligent is going to come out of that one.

January 6, 2006

Can I give you another note to help you out? There. A note. My African family would be proud of how they’ve raised me. It is important for my tribe’s leader to see me being gracious and helping others. I’m full of humility, courtesy and whimsy. Oh, and AIDs.

January 6, 2006

You’re a very sad little person. You’re trying to still talk about Giveshead and trash her and her friends and the whole thing with Madball happened around Thanksgiving and you’re still harping on it. It’s obviously an attempt to get as many notes from her friends here for you again, and it’s a very obvious attempt too. You call her friends names and speak bad about their friendship because you

January 6, 2006

do not have many loyal readers or have people here that will say nice kind things about you because all your entries are filled with hate and attempts to put down other things and other people to try to impress people. You also don’t bother to read people regularly or show any kindness towars anyone on od. You seem to come here only to inflict negativity and hope everyone laughs at your cruelity.

January 6, 2006

In short, get on with life and stop talking about the past in bad lame attempt to try to “stir up” some trouble and try to get some attention because you found out that attacking a person who has lots of od friends will sometimes get it for you. You may think you’re amusing but you’re viscious and “the tough guy” rant act is not new or impressive. How low some people will stoop is sad.

January 6, 2006

ps-Your diary is more stalkerish to Giveshead. You have at least three entries on her and you claim to hate her. Also look at the length of time that has passed since she and madball fought, giveshead no longer mentions it and neither does madball but you can’t stop. Look at yourself.

January 6, 2006

Oh god, I am still fighting convulsions from trying to decipher that trainwreck of a note(s). I gotta admit, I would have blocked Mushroom Moron too, if he’d been all up in my junk and licking my feet like that when I didn’t know who he was. PYSCHO!!!!

January 6, 2006

I’ll bet you $20 that “justaskank” up there is GivesHead in disguise. 😉 I just loooooooooooove it when people make blank diaries just to note me with, and then delete them! *swoon*

January 6, 2006

Hope you find it. We all hope that. *puts another quarter in the sarcastic slot*

Very, very amusing.

January 6, 2006

RYN: What you are searching for. I can not define it for you, merely tell you that what you are searching for is contradictory to what you are wishing for. If you attempt to reconcile the two, then you have a a chance for happiness.

RYN: Vincent D’Onofrio just really freaks me out, I can’t help it. Every time I watch him, I start getting these facial ticks and they won’t stop.

January 6, 2006

Hey justagirl2006, if you had the ability to pull your head out of your fat ass, you’d realize that my fake pretend online boyfriend, HDS, puts more thought and energy into scratching his balls than you, GivesHead and the fungus kid.

January 6, 2006

eye hart yoo

January 6, 2006

Why hasn’t anyone mocked my spelling in the title of this entry yet? Dam, u people are losin’ it!

January 7, 2006

poetrey. lovely!

BECAUSE, Chris, when someone mocks how you spell something, you’re all, “Haha, I did that on PURPOSE so you idiots would point it out!” and so now everyone’s afraid to point it out. Duuuuuh.;)

RYN: Oh, and yes I do watch Monk, although he doesn’t give me nervous tics.

January 7, 2006

seems like the OD is smaller than i thought, i acctually recognise some of these names here. anyway, you gave this person you don’t give two twats about his or her own entry? that’s pretty laughable. btw, the first spelling of favourite which you marked red as if it was spelt wrong is acctually spelt correctly. drama on od. who’d have thought.

Okay, HDS. The gig is up, I tell you. I have deduced, through my brilliant skills of detectorosity, that you have to be Mushroom. Either you or Madball (or his sister Madbell, that was another favorite typo) are Mushroom. That diary is too funny to be real. I mean, I’m a little hurt. You’ve never offered to brush MY hair!

January 7, 2006

I find it kind of sad that you have no life. You really should get out a little more, some people are respected on this diary and Giveshead is one of them, because she doesn’t start tedious feuds with random people. Chris

January 8, 2006

I miss when you made fun of news stories… they’re ripe for the picking, you should totally get on that. let the brit-chick blow the purple mushroom head or whatever. that’s old news now. btw: the noter who talked about being from Africa… best note of this entry. I only say that because I read all the notes on this entry… and now i feel somewhat moronic.

January 9, 2006

So, I was just passing by and stumbled into this entry. I could not even get through it! All I have to say is; the girl named herself “giveshead”, lol what more can I say. Lol. Yeah, I bet she’s great.

January 9, 2006

You do realise the Tisroc is supposed to be a fat, greasy, tyrannical *arse* who is willing to send his heir off to a doomed battle? Hang on a minute…yes, the name does actually suit you! I dont know whether to be scared of this mushroom guy or applaud him for annoying you… Ah, before you start telling me off for talking ‘smack’ (whatever that is?), Im only joking, its nice to know even…

January 9, 2006

people on the other side get are not immune for loonies, balance is obviously restored in OD land! I shall now go and enjoy frying my retinas on other people’s sparkly diaries. Toodles.

January 9, 2006

*from loonies. Not for. Even a genius like me 😛 is not invincible when it comes to typos

January 10, 2006

I was thinking of the Tisroc in ‘The Horse and Its Boy’, as Ive just re-read it over the holidays. I am actually aware that Tisrocs dont live forever and that they are fictional, but thanks for taking the time to clear that up. The name therefore does suit you, shocking that we agree on something for once. Miracles do happen, occasionally!

January 10, 2006

Note. 🙂

January 10, 2006

“For your sake, I hope you are right about everything you say in this diary. Cos if you aren’t, you are going to be in so much shit.” Interesting. Do you believe in a God of Love and Mercy or no? Because it certainly doesn’t seem that way…

January 10, 2006

i wouldn’t expect an american to see proper english when it jumped up and bit him in the ass, so hey, my fault. have a good day, love and peace and all that shit –

Why is a person who doesn’t capitalize lecturing you on English?

January 12, 2006

*takes a deep breath, holds it, then laughs for about ten hours.* That was so funny. Them, not you. You were actually very classy and graceful in your arguements. I applaud you. And laugh at all of the rest. ^.^

January 17, 2006

here’s the one i noticed you missed “Do you know how much she’s been though and how kind and loving she is?”

January 18, 2006

I’m really f*cking cool. give me respect!

January 18, 2006

Why is it that every one of her followers that notes you, couldn’t spell to save their lives? I don’t know you or her – just a random noter making a comment. 😉