The Best Diaries Ever (An Award Series)

After the last few days plowing through diary entries, I’ve decided that it is my civic duty as a citizen of OpenDiary to cut through the bullshit and determine once and for all what diaries are actually worth reading. I don’t know about y’all, but I am getting sick and tired of assholes complaining that I never note them. Get a clue people – if I don’t note your diary, it is probably because I refuse to read your diary because it is BORING.

Finding quality content in a sea of miserable teenage girls with online diaries is probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but since I am a Divine Super Hero, I did manage to find a few gems in this mire of filth. Without futher ado:

[Casey Leigh]

 Poignant and Absurd. 

I don’t know how the fuck she does it, but somehow, Casey Lay managed to do something as normally mundane as talk about one’s life, and add flair to it that makes it funny and awesome. Most personal online diaries are not so much diaries as they are epic struggles against passing out from sheer boredom, but not Casey Lay. She manages to combine the personal with the absurdly funny while diminishing neither. And get a load of her comics. I would humbly suggest that being deprived of her comics would be considered a form of cruel and unusual punishment. Casey Lay is pretty much a walking, talking, true life cartoon. And I should also mention that she is incredibly hot too.

I was told about this diary by this crazy bitch that hated her and wanted her boyfriend. I was told to read "a shitty diary" and discovered that this diary was way better than the bitch who referred me to her. Immediately afterwards, I told the ugly skank who referred me to fuck herself and joined the rank of Casey Lay worshippers. To this day, I have all her albums, and the Caseyism Compilation, which I post in my diary regularly. Casey is currently the only diarist I know who not only has her own Interest group, but deserves it.

Casey enjoys Disney, freebasing cocaine, Brendan Fraiser, and long walks in the gravel quarries.

[Club MaD]

 Hold on to your nuts. 

Everything about this diary kicks ass. Classics like Typing On The Keyboard With My Nuts, Shit! I’m Gonna Be A Father!!!, and We Pop Girls’ Cherries For Points never get old. Seriously, even on TV and in the funnies it is hard to find wit as clever as this. His content is truly original – you have never seen anything like this and never will again.

I went to this website after someone told me that MaD was a complete dick. I rapidly travelled to this place to fight him and started reading entries for ammunition. Three hours later, I was hooked. MaD has officially joined the ranks of Comedians Who Are Actually Funny, which includes Scott Adams of Dilbert fame, and Chris Rock, up until he did his 100th white joke. If there is one negative point about this diary, it is that the Diary Master, who is completely deviod of a sense of humour, keeps deleting it despite its massive fan base. But fear not, assholes, anyone who seeks his newest incarnation shouldn’t have too much trouble. If you are looking for good laughs, I highly recommend this diary. But if you are a pussy who is easily offended or has a weak stomach, you should do something more your style, like knitting or playing in traffic.

MaDBaLL enjoys having his dick sucked all the way down to the bag, setting kittens on fire for kicks, and fighting every dam person who gets in his way when he’s in FIGHT MODE, including mexicans and indians.

[His Divine Shadow]

 I am the best. 

I think this one’s pretty much a given. I can’t say enough about how much my diary rules. It’s the best diary ever.

That is all I have for now. If you are interested in getting in on this list or my next Best Diaries Ever award, please note me. I look forward to ignoring you.


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November 25, 2005

LMAO. Niiiice. 🙂

Hahaha, that was really. . .sweet, HDS. I’m terrified. Are you planning to kill yourself? This is a “these are the people I really *sniff* love, man, and I’m going to miss you when I exit this mortal coil” speech. Not that I want you to kill yourself, but if you do, I’d sort of like for you to try electrocution.

November 25, 2005

*gigglefits* You be a funny man! Ow Ow

November 25, 2005

figures you’d nominate yourself. 🙂

November 25, 2005

Indeed! I <3 all three of these fine diaries. We should get together and have a four-way because we are all so friggin' awesome (even though I'm technically not on the list BUT I AM IN MY HEART DAMMIT!!!.) You and Russ don't have to do anything to each other if you don't want to. 😉

November 26, 2005

Heh. I see Casey caught up on her late payments.

November 26, 2005

bowls to the roof- MaDBaLL loves his chicken soup! bowls to the roof!

November 26, 2005

I ::heart:: you

What the hell does gypsy’s note mean? Does that mean I do have to sex people up if I don’t want to? I’m a whore, sure, but I’m a whore on my own terms! *cue Lifetime music*

November 26, 2005

Oh, come on now, Casey. I wasn’t serious. And of course I wasn’t serious abotu deserving to be on this list either. 😛 My ego’s not THAT big. Damn, people can’t tell when I’m kidding anymore. I’m losing my touch.

November 26, 2005

ryn: lol cute yea im aloud to wear socks =) i just choose not to most of the time they annoy me. unless i absolutely have to wear them like if i put shoes on then of course i have socks on. thanks for the note. =)

November 26, 2005

(laughs) of course your diary would be on the best list,;)

November 27, 2005

RYN: I don’t know. I just don’t know.

November 27, 2005

RYN: but my dear, there is a fine line between acting like you like someone and stalking… ya know? Calling, paying special attention, asking someone out = acting like you care. Calling 10 times a day, asking someone out over and over again when they’ve said no 100 times, “accidentally” showing up at a place you know she frequents = stalking.

November 27, 2005

Not calling for weeks at a time and then text-messaging to say hi, only to disappear yet again = not acting like you care.

November 27, 2005

Hmm, I suppose that the fact that I haven’t written wnyhting in my diary deems me unsuitable for this list, right? I am so sad. I am glad, though, that Casey is on the top, yet again. She’s my favorite too.

November 27, 2005

I am not interested in entering into any further dialogue with you. As far as I am concerned this whole thing is over. So grow up. All of you. And leave my favourites out of it. All of them. And honey, if I was leaving a hate note you would know about it. But unfortunately you’re not important enough to hate so let us leave it at that. Move on. Lianne Marie

I have pictures up, but I have most of my entries set to favorites only.

November 27, 2005

*sigh* Yet again, I don’t make the list. But it’s ok – I will survive. 😛

November 27, 2005

RYN: Silly…Lifebegins@30 remember! And yes, she is who you thought.

November 27, 2005

Just so you know I am not self-righteous… I just happen to be very angry sometimes… and whether or not I am right it helps to write whatever comes to mind. 🙂

August 26, 2006

Ignore me. Ignore. Ignore. Ignore. Guaranteed you’ll find my diary sucks white balls.